Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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So I take it the creation of ultron and hulk rampage are the catalysts for civil war with people demanding accountability from the avengers sounds like marvels answer to BvS heroes fighting each other whole villains are manipulating events in the background. So who dies first cap or sup?
So I take it the creation of ultron and hulk rampage are the catalysts for civil war with people demanding accountability from the avengers sounds like marvels answer to BvS

Well the comic Civil War is from 2006 so I don't really think the movie universe is "answering" to anything from WB/DC. Even without that Marvel movie heroes have been brawling with each other since 2012.
Well the comic Civil War is from 2006 so I don't really think the movie universe is "answering" to anything from WB/DC. Even without that Marvel movie heroes have been brawling with each other since 2012.
True but it's to much of a coincidence that both movies coming out next year will have thought of the same thing heroes fighting each other it's like Armageddon and deep impact all over again.
True but it's to much of a coincidence that both movies coming out next year will have thought of the same thing heroes fighting each other it's like Armageddon and deep impact all over again.

Yes it is funny that both companies chose 2016 to have their main guys brawl with each other. I do think it's coincidence though. I believe that Snyder just likes TDKR and the Russo Bros stated that Dis/Marv basically let them choose their next storyline for Cap 3 and they wanted to do Civil War. Civil War *did* follow The Winter Soldier in the comics so you could say that they've been building to it since before it was even announced that there'd be a Batman vs. Superman.
Yes it is funny that both companies chose 2016 to have their main guys brawl with each other.
Yeah its going to awesome I hope marvel goes a little to the dark side because that family friendly tone will not carry over well when iron man and cap are punching each other out.
I really hope we see SW trying to freak out Banner on the extended edition. Maybe he tries to resist but then quicksilver sucker punches him at speed.
Well the comic Civil War is from 2006 so I don't really think the movie universe is "answering" to anything from WB/DC. Even without that Marvel movie heroes have been brawling with each other since 2012.

Yeah, it's just marvel business as usual. I don't think they even care what DC is doing. :lol
Saw it yesterday with the kids and friends of theirs.
It's a nice pop corn flick, and I wasn't really expecting more. But I do agree with those who say it felt a bit flat. There's really not much sense of drama or menace. You never really sense a character's arc, it all seems pretty basic.
as I said, it's a nice pop corn flick.
The kids liked it, but I didn't have the sense that they were blown away by it.

That's kinda how I felt. It was well made. Lots of character arc attempts but it left me a little cold
Speaking of Agents of Shield again. ..I think it's safe to say there won't be any sentries on the show or anything. While it had worldwide implications, the final battle was pretty much just in Sokovia.
I kind of feel the same way. I am really excited about the new team of the Avengers by the end of the film, hope it sticks (doesn't regress by bringing back anyone who left) and continues to evolve.

The movies kind of get monotonous with the same characters interacting with another.

I am excited that Falcon is getting more to do now and the additions of Vision and Scarlet Witch. Hopefully Black Panther and Spidey will take slots too during or after Civil War. Not to mention the Netflix heroes like Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage.

Even though Thor is my favorite Avenger, i'm glad he left to go deal with the Infinity Stones. I enjoy Hulk too, but I won't miss him if it means we get new characters in the mix. I am relieved Hawkeye wen't back home and I hope that means he won't have a big role moving forward.

There's only so much screen time given per film so the less heroes that have to share in the time the better. I'm ready to see some new stuff on the screen.

I wouldn't mind seeing more Hawkeye since he had so little to do in the first one. We got to see more of him in this one, but now he's "retiring" I guess. :(
Was a really fun movie. I knew I would enjoy it as much as the first . It's just really hard to juggle all of those characters in a 2hr film. I don't think its possible either. There were some eye rollers, but it was fun. I just wish ultron was more like the comics. One too many Tony Starks .
lol yea, I prefer my villains to be more menacing . I have no interest in ultron collectibles after this. Iron man looked pretty sleek though, like his car.