Iron? Where have you been??
Hope life is treating you well. No not much has changed. I still get alot of Sh@@!
But I am selling a few things, letting everyone enjoy what I have had for a long time now. Sales are good, makes me feel good! Making alot of collectors happy

The other day I was watching the new SF channels "Collection Intervention" and saying to myself, this is absolutely not me! I dont have an attachment with my collection like these guys!
Well, ok... ok I do sleep with my IM next to my bed!

Listen that DP standing 1/5 is reserved for you! I am very near letting it go. However I dont know what I should charge a friend? I know what I got it for.. let me ponder
I am adding now more IM and more BATMAN. Its just what I love!
Letting go of Hulks and DP and just about a little of everything else.