Re: My Sideshow collection and more....
what would you do if you 100% ran out of room? It eventually has to happen.
A. Stop collecting?
B. Sell statues to make room for new statues?
C. Sell non statue items to make room for new statues?
D. Build an extension to the house?
E. Sell house for bigger house?
it is a small square room, I say he gets rid of wife and kids
I ran out of %100 long time ago!! Now I think Im up to %120!

I am very creative now! I use every available option, and after the wife got her remodel of her bedroom and bathroom, I get to use the other rooms now a little more. So space is not as bad as before.
I dont think I will ever stop completely. I am currently selling a few of doubles to make room and finance some of the newer statues yes.
I also found a few new options. I have a good friend of mine who will take a few my statues on loan and display them in his house. This way I can always display my new stuff! I dont mind at all! Its a great idea if you ask me!
I am going to do what Amin Ko does, rotate the collection when I am out of room.
My last option is to move, I hate to move! But it will happen in 6-7 yrs I am sure of it.
Btw, you tell me how impossible this is going to be?

Look at my upcoming statue list:
Sideshow stuff:
Bucky Cap
black Cat PF
Rhino LSB
Spidey Comiquette (will be here before 2011)
warmachine maquette
cyclops PF
Planet Hulk PF (if it comes out)
Rogue PF
PCS Chun-Li Reg and EX
Bison Reg and EX
Customs not on Sideshow:
Custom1:2 juggy
Custom 1:2 WM
Custom Shazam
Custom IM Thorbuster 1/4
Custom Ult Thor 1/5
Custom IM Ex 1/4
Custom GL 1/4
Custom Sinstro 1/4
Custom Superman 1/4
Custom Keon Hulk 1/3
ARH Cleo
ARH Angel of Death
ARH Athena
ARH Pocahonta
Moore Angelus Statue
To name a few....not to count in a few from BD
Yes if there is a true freak here its me!

And Im loving it!!