"Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

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Pete,i never knew about hurting you in any way,but i readed notes from you in the past and i noticed you had anything against me,well,me not against you.of course.
I have a bussiness,i pay to get these heads for sale and of course if i have any bussinees is not to sent the heads to be painted for you,bad bussiness would be if i do that.buy or not buy,really is just option.
I really sorry your bad feelings,but as for me,i sleep very well.

Tbh I just avoid you so I have no major beef but I just think you should practice what you preach. I have made my point so I will continue to avoid you.

If your implying I have an issue because I cant buy Trev sculpts from you I don’t as I bought originals from Trev for $35 :wave
Ok guys, end of discussion now. Sal explained himself no need to go further away with this.

Agreed... Sal's owned up to the mistake, we should all move on :duff

Once again, it seems we need a "Grievance Section" on the boards. Too much antagonism in these here parts. :p

Yeah, in response to a few adamant requests for that I resurrected a thread about bad traders, etc. and you know what happened... never got a single post on it.

Negative Feedback thread

I still think it's a good idea, but maybe it needs to be moved to a more visible area. it had been in "Want to Buy/Trade" as that is a commerce area where any member can access even before the 50 post/3 months rule.
Thanks for the link!

It may be a good idea in theory, but I get the feeling it might turn ugly. Just a hunch.
Well at the end of the day only myself and other other mods can alter or maintain the list... and if it gets ugly we can always delete posts :lol

I'll check with Dave about moving it to a more noticeable spot... as it is I think few really venture into that section anymore :lol
Yeah, and it hasn't been touched in a long time...

For instance Q is only listed as having neurtral feedback, at this point of course he'd be in the "scammer" section and we'd have to add info on aliases, etc.
I need to get off my lazy *** and get my Heisenberg hat painted as well as try to find a good price on a scaled barrel full of money but here is my set up.

I am awaiting another chem suit from Moe so Jesse has one as well.

Was there ever an officially released "beat up" version of Walt? I remember seeing the amazing paint-up Silent Surfer did when these first came out, but I don't recall ever seeing a battle damaged sculpt offered?

So I guess I'm curious if that was a modified sculpt, or if a beaten-up one was released and I just wasn't aware of it.
Sweet... thanks fellas :duff

I'm definitely leaning towards beat-up for when I paint mine; he and Jessie just have their ***** kicked so much in the show that it only seems right to have him look that way on my shelf :lol
hmm...Really now? Sal has the beat up version of walt available so I assume trevor did one as such.