Here is Les's description of the figure.
"I know this one is not technically the UNDEAD, but in this case, I approached him as if he pretty much was.
Come with me to an alternate universe, a Star Wars one, where Uncle George was in a very BAD mood when he finished his original saga….
It’s 1983. STAR WARS, Episode Six.
Things end badly. Luke chooses to join The Emperor, kills his dad, then hunts down his former friends, the rebels, and the Empire wins the day. Palpatine laughs a lot. Roll credits.
Childhoods are raped and kiddies cry. Letters of outrage are sent forth to deaf ears.
Uncle George rethinks it, and decides to end things yet again…at last…for the fans…
1992 - STAR WARS Episode Seven.
Fifteen years have passed in the Saga. Luke, now Darth something or other, has been missing for four years, out in the galaxy gathering Sith strength and knowledge so he can come back and avenge his former life.
In the meantime, Palpatine has laughed a lot, happy in his own crotchety evil ways.
It is rumored that Luke was killed somewhere, but refused to give in to it, so strong is he with the Force. He is referred to as “The Zombie Lord” who never speaks.
Before it’s all over, Luke returns to Palpatine in a really bad mood, and faces down the old wretch at long last. Mute and immutable, Luke administers his own lessons in the ways of the Force. Palpatine ceases his laughter. Luke laughs last as the five newly completed Death Stars fire at once and Coruscant explodes, taking with it all the might of the Empire as well as Luke and Palpy locked in final combat. Roll credits.
Kids cry. Parents are outraged.
90’s Goth kids love it and hail Uncle George as some kind of visionary again. Toy sales soar.
…There is talk of prequels…"