Dear friends,
I fully understand that the fee schedule of shipping may bother some of you... I am the first penalized and I bitterly regret, believe me!
As I reminded in an answer recently made to Mike (bobamike), the postage rates are what they are: I've only given you the price lists which are practiced by the French postal services. They changed their trade policies, because a few years ago, prices and service quality were much better. It is so, I'm sorry but I can't do anything about it.
Shipments of small lightweight parcels to International are now penalized in that the first installment of the pricelist is for parcels of weight 0-1kg, with also an imposed minimum box size...
As I clearly displayed on the first page, all prices are in euros, because of variations in currency exchanges. Nobody wants to be disadvantaged, including myself.
I think if you were me, you'd do no less, right?
I regret that the U.S. Postal Services are not universal, because they not only provide rates and opportunities for modes of shipping which are interesting, but also a detailed tracking service in near real time with a report via checkpoints. In these cases inter alia, I am ashamed to be French, but it's not me who makes the rules of the game...
Sorry guys.