Super Freak
Why not? I happen to have great respect for the veterans of the Second World War, and what they went through. That doesn't mean you can't do a good action movie or even a comedy set in WWII. I can think of several off the top of my head that I quite enjoyed. However, I think that trying to make a live action series with the same gravitas as a serious WWII piece, such as the Band of Brothers miniseries, would just end up feeling contrived.
Yes, let's take this a step further. I am a serving Naval Officer, so I know a thing or two about following, not to mention giving, orders. Would you consider that enough of a "solid foundation"?
For something like Order 66 to work, on that kind of scale, you would need brainwashed soldiers, period. Soldiers follow orders, LEGAL orders. They would not follow an order to kill a superior officer without warning or massacre children, nor would they be expected to.
Let's look closer. Weren't the clones following a "legal" order from the supreme chancellor? Being in the Navy, you understand how a traitor SHOULD be treated in a time of war.
ORDER 66: "In the event of Jedi officers acting against the interests of the Republic, and after receiving specific orders verified as coming directly from the Supreme Commander (Chancellor), GAR commanders will remove those officers by lethal force, and command of the GAR will revert to the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) until a new command structure is established."
What about following that order would've been illegal? From anyone's POV outside of the Jedi, it would've been seen with Mace's intentions being traitorous as he took the law into his own hands vs. utilizing the proper procedures regardless of Palpatine's intentions.
And just so we're on the same page, would you consider the hundred eighty thousand men who stormed the beaches of France, knowingly to their death, brainwashed? They followed orders that present day troops would consider immoral. And all due respect, but a naval mindset is quite different from that of boots on the ground infantry.
EDIT: Additionally, looking to Band of Brothers for inspiration or a suggestion of how to do it properly wouldn't be disrespectful in the least. I still don't see how you guys are pulling that one out of your pieholes.
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