Thats the trendmasters re issue from 2015, got one brand new from bbts when it sold for like 150 bucks but I don?t like the green and red lion versions because of the tabs and amazon has been selling matchbox replicas that are pretty accurate to the originals and the springs work and colors are like the original so i swapped them!!
Bbts has had steady stock this weekend, it sold out briefly on Sunday but As of right now is back
I just noticed the new reissue has the blue bandai logo and of course the 2019 license, kind of curious to see what changes were made from the 2016 version
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Any know who has this figure known to clean the clout or smidges that show up on the plastic? Feels like a chemical reaction that shows up on some plastic portions of the figure.![]()
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I?ve had Bandai, Soul Of Chogokin figures were even if you leave it outside the metallic and plastic pieces get kind of hazy, but i could wipe them out easily, this is kind of underneath the chrome paint, i tried warm soap and water with a cleaning cloth, baby wipes, not even a smudge, it?s weird, i just don?t know if this is a common occurrence with voltron as my gx-72?s chrome hazyness wipes off also
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you can always give a light coat of future floor to seal the colors up. i refurbished my older Mazingers this way apart from some oxidization it looks like new. so i suggest doing this when it's new but keep it light and avoid articulated areas and if you must just a very light coat with brush.
Thanks for the tips, i bought two the other was never opened until today, verified it and noticed that it?s a factory defect, my second figure completely has similar hazes under the chrome, not even future floor worked! But it is what it is, you can?t exchange this back to BTTS, so im stuck with a crazy factory defect, which is not bad but it?s noticeable if you look at it, i noticed also that the pictures i took when i got it has them so once again there?s nothing i can do, thanks though
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I asked them already, i am out of luck they have neither spares nor inventory, they gave me a 100 dollar credit for the price difference but since i have two lions like you said i could combine bits and pieces from each one!
But i did noticed it was a factory defect, future floor, baby oil, toothpaste, vinegar nothing worked, it?s under the chrome paint, which is good news for me i gues since it can?t spread already. Plus my second gx-71 set has some paint defects in different areas, but it is what it is, other than babying the hell out of these figs though!!
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I think you mentioned you got them at BBTS? They have at least 10 in stock right now at $399.99.
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I asked them already, i am out of luck they have neither spares nor inventory, they gave me a 100 dollar credit for the price difference but since i have two lions like you said i could combine bits and pieces from each one!
But i did noticed it was a factory defect, future floor, baby oil, toothpaste, vinegar nothing worked, it?s under the chrome paint, which is good news for me i gues since it can?t spread already. Plus my second gx-71 set has some paint defects in different areas, but it is what it is, other than babying the hell out of these figs though!!
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dude don't use vinegar or any oil on chrome unless it's just wax (not polisher). the future floor is to seal the paint not remove stains.