Why not Michael Bay while we're at it
yea why dont they cast shia labeouf as bruce better yet cast taylor lautner
A Batman that can fit into a JLA movie. I think the Arkham Asylum version could work in terms of look and mood. Keep away from the cartoony cheeze (Schumacher) or the ultra real (Nolan). Needs to exist in a slightly different universe, but not too over the top stylized like Burton's. After seeing the box office for Avengers, Warner has got to be thinking of its own Justice League strategy, so the pieces all have to fit together--Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, etc.
Option A.)Jon Hamm, David Fincher, Straight-up dark, gritty Batman movie or Arkham adaptation
Option B.)Joseph Gordon Levitt, Clint Eastwood, Ridley Scott, Batman Beyond
Option C.) Justice League, with the individual franchises spinning out from it.
No. Just no.
I was thinking about this last night. Good choice man.
Rumors are that it's already been written by Jonathan Nolan and David Goyer and that it was being quietly touched upon by Christopher Nolan towards the tail end of TDKR's post production.
I think WB/DC is looking at the Avengers and bonking their heads on their desks.
Especially since Marvel movies were a laughingstock compared to their DC counterparts for over 20 years!