Media Batman: Arkham Knight

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SO!!!!!!!!!! I finally beat Arkham Knight this morning!! 100% complete, all Riddler trophies, and Riddler captured before going and having my final battle with Scarecrow. It was really nice knowing that everything was complete before wrapping things up!

That said, I'd say I had to look up about 50% of the Riddler trophies, as they're just so terribly annoying and some you'd just shake your head at them.

Okay, so the good:

The Good:

- I absolutely LOVED the reveal of Jason Todd scene. LOVED it. Troy Baker nailed it...the emotion Todd has in the scene when he lifts his mask...ugh, just loved it. My favourite part of the game, and one of my favourite parts in the entire series.

- The world was HUGE! It never felt repetitive (outside of the trophies) and even though the thugs can only say so much, it still just felt great flying and driving all over.

- Sure it turned out to be false, but my jaw dropped when Barbara shot herself. I thought it was for real, and even though it wasn't, it doesn't change how much of an impact that scene had. When the cutscene was over, I left Batman just standing there for a minute or so, as I was shock. Beautifully done, especially with Joker walking by as it happened!

- Those sparsely, but PERFECTLY, used moments where you'd go up to one area, turn around and the entire room has changed. Watching Barbara get shot from The Killing Joke in this fashion, as well as seeing the Joker get scared within Batman's mind near the end of the game...those segments of the game were BRILLIANTLY handled!

- The DRIVING!!! Who'd have known after my first post in this thread that first night I played after a long day at work! :lol By the end of it, I was a Batmobile pro, flying through the streets of the city, just having fun. Okay, maybe not pro, I'd still mess up here and there, but I loved jumping in the car when I had to. I'd say my smartest move was focusing on the Riddler challenges as soon as they became available! Doing those races (until you no longer can due to Founder's Island not being "open") really hones your Batmobile skills!

- The voice acting all around was superb. Mark Hamill...I mean, really? Him singing during that Robin bomb disarming scene was legendary! SO good!

- GREAT soundtrack! That Pyg scene was SO creepy, and every time I heard that music and knew a body was around? Loved that eerie feeling!!

- The character design was awesome! I loved all the outfits, and knowing that Prime 1 is making a great deal of these really makes me happy. Not sure if I can get more than two or three, but still, everything just FELT Batman, which is great!

I'm sure there are more, but those are just highlights coming to the top of my head while I'm at work!

Now, the bad...or not so good:

The Bad...or Not So Good:

- The ending was solid, but I wasn't a huge fan of how ambiguous Rocksteady left it. The 100% ending, at least. I'm not sure where the normal ending finishes off, but the 100% ending leaves it open in a somewhat bizarre fashion where you can make your own theories of what happened. I'd rather the game actually had a proper ending, and had like, Todd taking over as Red Hood, jumping down to stop the burglary. It's not BAD, I just wasn't a huge fan with how beautifully everything else was told.

- Jason Todd!!!!!!!! ARKHAM KNIGHT!!!!!!!! This goes under not so good, simply because I felt like he vanished after such a FANTASTIC reveal! I mean, going around town you hear some thugs say, "Hey, that Arkham Knight guy looks different. Changed his suit and has a red mask," blah blah...just small throwaway lines for something that should've been bigger. MAYBE the Red Hood DLC will tell what happens. That's possible, and if so, that'd be great, felt like far too big of a moment to just ignore moving forward and just have Todd show up and free Batman at the end. I mean, it wasn't bad, but I felt they needed one more scene together.

I'm sure that could go either way. Maybe it's because it took me a few days (at least) after the reveal to beat the game since I was chipping away at Riddler trophies, so maybe it felt a bit more detached than it was, but I was just waiting for this big, "BAM! RED HOOD IS HERE TO HELP!" moment and instead it was like, *GUNSHOTGUNSHOT* and then we never saw him again. That's why I was really hoping it was him on the roof of the building overlooking the thugs during the 100% ending...I think it would've been fitting.

- Riddler Trophies. There are TOO MANY! I know Josh said that Arkham City had more, which is insane, but I just felt that half would've been just as good, if not even less. I get that it's something to do as you go, but it turns into more of a chore than entertainment. You kind of want to hunt down Riddler the way you hunt down the other guys...only you know it'll take a bit longer. You don't want to spend two full days (I spent a LONG time this weekend :lol) just going around the city looking for glowing question marks while Robin is being held captive. :lol I just think they needed less, and more focus on interesting mini-games. Overall though, there were some cool Riddler moments. Very cool final fight too!

- The Fire Chief. Oh, you poor bastard. I get that he was bad, but I HAD to facepalm when Batman tosses him into the cell with Two-Face, Penguin, Pig, and all those INSANE MURDERERS! I mean, this is a Fire Chief who did wrong...sure he should get arrested for it, but toss him into a regular cell, for the love of all that is...:lol

Overall I LOVED the game. There's seriously so much variety in it, it's great! Rocksteady's battle system should just be transferred to all superhero games. I mean, Shadow of Mordor was great too! I love this combat system. Make more superhero games, and just use this system. Make it happen!
Spent yesterday getting the rest of all the riddler trophies and got 100%. The ending was meh to me. Leaving it wide open at the end.

I guess it's mean to imply

that anyone could be the bat. I got a batman beyond vibe from it with the red bat symbol in the chest. Was it Azrael? Any other clues I missed that would say who it was?

Overall game was good, but not great. and the Harley Quinn DLC/playthrough was a joke.

That's been the rumor since WB Montreal Started hiring for a new "AAA" game and that faked Superman pic showed up on twitter. If so, they need to up their game, otherwise Metropolis will come off looking a like a bland "this could be any City" where if it were Rocksteady you'd believe you were in Metropolis from start to finish. And they also need to make sure the bugs are worked out prior to release. It seems when WB games hands these things off to other studios they just don't care as much as Rocksteady did about putting out a quality playable product, hence the PC port issues from that other company and the glitches that never got truly fixed from WB Montreal because "we want to work on DLC".

Don't get me wrong I think on their own they might make a good game, but if someone takes on Superman, after playing these Batman games the bar has been raised, and I expect a well polished GREAT game.
Spent yesterday getting the rest of all the riddler trophies and got 100%. The ending was meh to me. Leaving it wide open at the end.

I guess it's mean to imply

that anyone could be the bat. I got a batman beyond vibe from it with the red bat symbol in the chest. Was it Azrael? Any other clues I missed that would say who it was?

Overall game was good, but not great. and the Harley Quinn DLC/playthrough was a joke.

It's Bruce. Watch what happens when Scarecrow trips out in Arkham. He sees Batman the exact same way. Red Eyes, Red Chest. This is an establishing shot to show us that this is how people under the toxin see Batman.

When the cloudburst went off, everyone left in the city was a criminal. They were all exposed to the toxin and don't have an antidote so it's still in their systems. Now whenever they see Batman, they trip out from fear. This is reinforced by the fact that Scarcrow wasn't attacked by Batman at all, but still saw the world coming apart and crumbling and turning into Bats that attacked him. In the real world though, we see he's simply knocked out by Jim while Bruce is still recovering.

All that "leaked" Superman stuff is way more likely to be from Injustice 2.
And they also need to make sure the bugs are worked out prior to release. It seems when WB games hands these things off to other studios they just don't care as much as Rocksteady did about putting out a quality playable product, hence the PC port issues from that other company and the glitches that never got truly fixed from WB Montreal because "we want to work on DLC".

Don't get me wrong I think on their own they might make a good game, but if someone takes on Superman, after playing these Batman games the bar has been raised, and I expect a well polished GREAT game.

Huh? After the whole PC AK fiasco, can you still say that? :lol

I'm not worried about WBM getting things polished, obviously RS doesn't give a **** about PC either, I worried about them creating something, sure they did a good job artistically speaking on AO, but it was all based off what Rocksteady started, I worried about WBM not having the same creativity to build a franchise from the start, but we'll see.
Huh? After the whole PC AK fiasco, can you still say that? [emoji38]

I'm not worried about WBM getting things polished, obviously RS doesn't give a **** about PC either, I worried about them creating something, sure they did a good job artistically speaking on AO, but it was all based off what Rocksteady started, I worried about WBM not having the same creativity to build a franchise from the start, but we'll see.
Rocksteady didnt do the port to PC. WBGames gave the porting to another studio and Rocksteadybis left to clean up the mess.
It's Bruce. Watch what happens when Scarecrow trips out in Arkham. He sees Batman the exact same way. Red Eyes, Red Chest. This is an establishing shot to show us that this is how people under the toxin see Batman.

When the cloudburst went off, everyone left in the city was a criminal. They were all exposed to the toxin and don't have an antidote so it's still in their systems. Now whenever they see Batman, they trip out from fear. This is reinforced by the fact that Scarcrow wasn't attacked by Batman at all, but still saw the world coming apart and crumbling and turning into Bats that attacked him. In the real world though, we see he's simply knocked out by Jim while Bruce is still recovering.

All that "leaked" Superman stuff is way more likely to be from Injustice 2.

That's my line of thought as well
batman told Selina that something new had to rise from the ashes of the batman. Bruce wayne is "dead". Batman now has nothing holding him back. He is in essence become his true form. Which is represented by the thugs seeing him in that demonic form.

Fixed. :monkey3
Ooooow I didn't know that, my apologies to RS :lol

If you want to see something hilarious, check out Iron Galaxy Studios on Facebook :lol. They're the company that was working on AK for the PC, and arguably screwed up the port. So many hilarious negative comments, and not so hilarious death threats in their comment section...
If you want to see something hilarious, check out Iron Galaxy Studios on Facebook :lol. They're the company that was working on AK for the PC, and arguably screwed up the port. So many hilarious negative comments, and not so hilarious death threats in their comment section...

They got Death Threats? That's hilarious in a very very stupid way.
If you want to see something hilarious, check out Iron Galaxy Studios on Facebook :lol. They're the company that was working on AK for the PC, and arguably screwed up the port. So many hilarious negative comments, and not so hilarious death threats in their comment section...

Well I did find this gif :lol


Apparently RS also gave those guys a ridiculously tight schedule, so, that's probably been talked over here, I'll let it slide and keep blaming RS :lol they didn't learn anything from Gearbox apparently.
Well I did find this gif :lol


Apparently RS also gave those guys a ridiculously tight schedule, so, that's probably been talked over here, I'll let it slide and keep blaming RS :lol they didn't learn anything from Gearbox apparently.

I actually blame WB Games, they were the ones who knew Iron Studios messed up the port and put it out anyway.
I actually blame WB Games, they were the ones who knew Iron Studios messed up the port and put it out anyway.

It was RS who outsourced it to begin with no? It sounds to me like the same scenario we had with Colonial Marines, the guilt went with Gearbox, not SEGA or whatever company co-developed the game.