As of late, my dream is for a VR-based action RPG based on Green Lantern. The create a character feature starts with you being designated a Sector, from there, you can choose from any species that inhabits that sector. Afterwards, you will be able to refine your character’s appearance (however alien it may be) to your liking.
As far as constructs go, there would be a base selection of constructs, where you could assign gesture based controls to your “preferred assets,” and the rest could be accessed through voice-based commands. As far as the question of “how do you craft unlimited constructs,” my response would be to find a way to open-source it; a “community construct creator,” if you will.
There’d have to be some sort of oversight, as, as awesome as it might be, you can’t have Green Lantern beating Sinestro over the head with a giant, green **** and balls (depending on the rating), but allow people to create constructs, have a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly poll, where you decide on the best of the best, and the development team will refine the constructs and/or add the voice based controls as they see fit, and patch the game with the new constructs.
I wouldn’t mind a regular action RPG, but I’m leaning towards VR, because it’d be awesome to have a Green Lantern game that doubled as a Space simulator. I even have a scenario in mind for my pitch. You look down; your green boots are floating in an infinite pool of stars.
You turn to your right, and Hal Jordan is engaged in battle with Sinestro; as you proceed to look around, a smattering of familiar faces, from Kilowog to John Stewart to Tomar Re and beyond, all doing battle with members of the Sinestro Corps. Suddenly, you look forward, and a Yellow Lantern is headed straight towards you. You raise your arm, your ring forms a shield construct, but the impact sends you spiraling into a tailspin.
You want to vomit. You can’t stop spinning and, as you venture further into the abyss, your fellow lanterns appear as nothing more than tiny green and yellow lights. The best way I can think of to describe the tail spin is to think of Sandra Bullock in Gravity, but in first person. It should be terrifying, and nauseating, but, eventually, you use your ring and take control. Now, you’re an entirely new type of disoriented, as you’re lost in space.
You tell your ring to locate the nearest Green Lantern, and, out of your ring pops a massive, green arrow, like your own, personal, intergalactic GPS, if you veer off course, like a compass, it spins in the direction you’re supposed to be headed, until you’re back in the game.
Start out with a selection of some of the Green Lantern’s most iconic locales (Oa, Coast City, MOGO, Koragar, etc.), and add future locations as expansions and, ideally, free DLC (by the time all is said and done, you could have the whole color spectrum at your disposal).
Well, at least I can see it when I dream.