Why does it matter? Holmes has confirmed it, anyway.
I wonder if HT will pick up this license as well. I need to start planning for their release in 2024.
That soon? They won't be done with Iron Man mk 2672. You need to chill.
Why does it matter? Holmes has confirmed it, anyway.
I wonder if HT will pick up this license as well. I need to start planning for their release in 2024.
Do you normally base your info on "estimates?"
Based on Robins physical characteristics I'd estimate and say he looks to be in at least his mid 20's in Arkham city.
Why does it matter? Holmes has confirmed it, anyway.
I wonder if HT will pick up this license as well. I need to start planning for their release in 2024.
Why does it matter? Holmes has confirmed it, anyway.
I wonder if HT will pick up this license as well. I need to start planning for their release in 2024.
Why does it matter? Holmes has confirmed it, anyway.
I wonder if HT will pick up this license as well. I need to start planning for their release in 2024.
I thought I read it somewhere, as well, my bad. It's a good estimate, though. Mainly because I don't think Tim Drake would want to be a 25 year old Robin.Seriously, though, I always assumed that Nightwing was about 25 or 26 in the game, and thus, Tim Drake would be significantly younger than he was. Also, factor in the fact that this is year two of Batman's career, and we already know that Grayson is a part of the Batfamily, so why would he be on his third Robin in his second year?
Exactly. This argument is pointless. I'd like HT to pick this license up, but I'd like to see them hurry up and get the AC stuff out first.
It should have been in the game thread.
This is true.
Four new skins revealed as a pre-order bonus in Australia.
The varied list of additional content for the upcoming 'Batman: Arkham Origins' continues to grow with the reveal of four new Batman character skins. The four new skins add to the four that have already been revealed, which include a Knightfall skin, an Adam West-era classic skin, Batman One Million, and Worst Nightmare Batman. The newly revealed skins are being listed as pre-order bonus for Australian retailer JB Hi-Fi and include Long Halloween Batman, Thrillkiller Batman, Earth 2 Batman, and Batman: Dark Knight of the Round Table.
While the skins are an exclusive pre-order bonus in Australia, it is reasonable to surmise that other territories will have a similar pre-order option for the skins, and that the skins will become available later as DLC or even as part of a re-release.
Details from JB Hi-Fi confirm that skins will be used in a similar manner to 'Batman: Arkham City, "All 4 Batman Skins can be used in the story campaign upon completion of the main story, in the challenge maps, and online."
I apologize if this one has been posted already, but I just saw it today on the Hi Def Digest front page. Looks like we're getting The Long Halloween skin too.
The Long Halloween skin doesn't really work without Tim Sale's art-style influence. It just looks like a non-descript comic styled skin. It's really only the trunks that give it any hint of being TLH costume.
Having said that, it does look cool though. The Thrillkiller skin looks very nice aswell.
"The North American version of the Collector's Edition will be different (much like Injustice: Gods Among Us) and announced next week "
I don't get why they don't offer the same collectors edition worldwide.