Super Freak
Conroy4lyfeKeaton 4 lyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyfe!!!!!!!!1!1!111!
Conroy4lyfeKeaton 4 lyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyfe!!!!!!!!1!1!111!
Clooney or fail.
Because Cloonster you can laugh at because of how silly the whole thing is. Don't get me wrong, he is down right awful, but that movie is a joke to begin with. Bale you can only just shake your head, bobblehead, that stupid voice.
I'm just thinking of Alicia Silverstone. I hope the new generation gets some prettier girls. Nolan went out of his way to make sure I didn't get the least bit turned on
Crap...Over on Statue Forum SSAlex said to expect January shipping both both the EX and reg.
Over on Statue Forum SSAlex said to expect January shipping for both the EX and reg.
Over on Statue Forum SSAlex said to expect January shipping for both the EX and reg.
How is Sideshow shipping their products to Europe nowadays?
I used to collect PF (still have 10) but stopped collecting them when Sideshow closed their UK warehouses.
I absolutely love this piece.