John Atreides
Super Freak
**** Bale. Returns should be next.
agreed...with penguin soldier ex!!
**** Bale. Returns should be next.
How about something like that? Does anyone get interested if a base is produced like this?
Keaton 4 lyfe.
I hope he wins dat Oscar.
I'm still trying to think of a good looking base for Nicholson if (when) they make him. If they put him on top of the big Birthday Cake float from the movie that would be badass.
That would be really cool but knowing SS they will get "creative" and give us something we never saw in the movie
Maybe an AXIS Chemicals base?
All I know is if they did a 89 Joker I would sell my PF in a heartbeat
Congrats on the new addition Robertobagg10 and thanks for the great pictures!So glad SS hit my favorite interpretation of Batman out of the park. Is it Feb 5th yet? Hurry up and take my money SS I neeeed this!!!
That would be really cool but knowing SS they will get "creative" and give us something we never saw in the movie
Would love to see a Catwoman from Batman Returns. I'd go ape ****.
That would be cool too. Whatever they do they have to make it pretty freaking big so it doesn't look tiny next to Keaton.
You are going to flip when you get yours Chin. No picture can capture the epicness of the base's size.
I'm still trying to get a comic Joker PF. I'm saving for one right now but I'm hoping to not have to spend $700+ on one.
Thats what I'm thinking they will do. But if it looks really good, I'd be fine with it, even if its "inspired" from the movie like the Batcave stairs with Keaton.That would be really cool but knowing SS they will get "creative" and give us something we never saw in the movie
I cannot wait to flip out.
3 weeks gaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!1!
Maybe an AXIS Chemicals base?