Unless you plan on shining a flashlight in the face of your statue all the time, I wouldn't worry about any eye problems on this piece. You're never going to notice it.
lmao! I guess collectors can say this is how he looked right when Joker pulled out his extended pistol and blew his Batwing out of the sky!
The eyes has no problem, the problem is the mask which has one of the eyes hole lower than the other, that makes the pics looked weird. The two eyes are looking straightforward. No problem at all.
Has there still been no word on when this is coming out? Whats taking so long.
it did make some head way - I saw it at the SDCC 2014. and it was displayed at the China International Comic Convention back in October.
If it doesn't make it out by the next Comic Con, then I refuse to buy another Hot Toys product again -- including Optimus Prime (ill cancel my preorder in protest)