lol@$300 head sculpts
You guys are the worst.
-1 rep.
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-1 rep.
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Waiting to see the Joker bust es.
he doesnt have an es yet?
he doesnt have an es yet?
They haven't lied. The ES never went up on the GL product page. Only a handful of people dissect the newsletter like we do so they probably feel is okay to mislead a handful of customers.
I'm not swearing my life away on it or anything but I am pretty sure when I ordered it the ES was 300 and the low quantity alert for less than 60 remaining was up.
You are not crazy. The ES was announced on a newlestter as 350 but it was never mentioned again. Yes, there was a low quantity alert on it at some point but it disappeared.
ES means "edition size" by the way.