Batman Life Size Bust Sideshow

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for starters... it might be best not to buy any wonder woman statues second hand guys.....

Or Power Girl for that matter.

that could go for any female statue


Not really. Who would **** to a Death statue? :dunno

DC Comics Death?


Technically Death isn't a Tween although that Finch drawing could be interpreted as such. She is a waify Goth chick.

This was the inspiration.

While she still may not do it for you, for me if I can ____ an Amazon, I can ____ a personification of Death done up like a chick who shops at Hot Topic.
What can I say, when it comes to hypothetical, comic book female bedhopping, pepe sees few limitations.


From Ask Sideshow
Friday, September 30th, 2011
Will we ever see a Nicholson Keaton Batman Joker PFF?
Dare to dream, my friend. We certainly are. And we have BIG plans for the DC license!
If PF's are a possibility busts should be also.
Remember how Spider-Man has two versions, Venom, Iron Man? I'm sure they'll be a few Batvariants in every medium. 1:1 included