Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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A final thought as I finish my scotch and head to bed. This movie made me sure of two things. Ben Affleck is Batman. And I will never trust any critic ever again.

Agreed, specially regarding the critics. They clearly have it out for this franchise. To give garbage like THOR: THE DARK WORLD & IRON MAN 3 Certified Fresh ratings but then give BvS a 30% & MOS a 55% is absurd.
Here is something no one has mentioned here. This is the very first time we see Bruce/Batman completely go crazy as a detective, trying to puzzle everything to get the big picture, it was well played out, I loved it how he actually did dirty work. My favorite scene in the movie goes from him trying to get a hold of the kryptonite, fails miserably because he was stopped, then succeeds, Luthor's face when he sees his kryptonite stolen is priceless. Granted we have seen him being semi detective in the earlier batman films but this is the most persistent I have ever seen on the big screen.

Is it me or is Batman's head always tilted to the side when we see him in his vehicles? lol
Lex main motivation is stated in his charity soiree.
When he telld the prometheus tale.
He say something in the line of, knowledge is power but still with all the knowledge in the world he is powerless in front of the gods.
The guy is the antithesis of superman both ideologically and physically.
He is frustrated and jealous of Supes.
That is why he add his blood into the mix.
It was clear as day to me that it is his main motivation.
That is always been his motivation, He consider himself the apex of humanity then Supes comes among and Lex will never reach that.
Maybe some would prefer if it was a real estate scam :)
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Lex main motivation is stated in his charity soiree.
When he telld the prometheus tale.
He say something in the line of, knowledge is power but still with all the knowledge in the world he is powerless in front of the gods.
The guy is the antithesis of superman both ideologically and physically.
He is frustrated and jealous of Supes.
That is why he add his blood into the mix.
It was clear as day to me that it is his main motivation.
That is always been his motivation, He consider himself the apex of humanity then Supes comes among and Lex will never reach that.
Maybe some would prefer if it was a real estate scam :)

Honestly, I didn't even catch that bit. I'm going to have to see this movie again, aren't I?:lol
Lex main motivation is stated in his charity soiree.
When he telld the prometheus tale.
He say something in the line of, knowledge is power but still with all the knowledge in the world he is powerless in front of the gods.
The guy is the antithesis of superman both ideologically and physically.
He is frustrated and jealous of Supes.
That is why he add his blood into the mix.
It was clear as day to me that it is his main motivation.
That is always been his motivation, He consider himself the apex of humanity then Supes comes among and Lex will never reach that.
Maybe some would prefer if it was a real estate scam :)

Comic Book Lex is the Ultimate Man, the Ubersmench who could cure all of life's problems, but he has such an superiority complex that he's blinded by his hate and feels Superman has to go first. This Lex? He shows glimmers of that, but he absolutely doesn't have the same motivation. This Lex mumbles, loses his words and gets frustrated enough in front of a crowd in his own party, that he starts screaming. I'm sorry, but that's not Lex. Lex is the Alpha Male, the one who's gonna intimidate you just by a stare.

In the final scene, you hear him talk of "things beyond the stars". So yeah, the Ubersmench-Problem isn't his motivation. It's an alien-invasion plot that they didn't bother explaining. He;s obviously referring to Darkseid, and mark my words when Deesad is revealed to be behind his behaviour and Bruce's visions. It's so blatantly obvious what they're alluding to, but they're doing such a bad job of setting it up, that it's cringeworthy. It's this year's "Thor's Vision".

Seriously (not directed at you, in general) can people stop calling those of us who didn't love it "haters" or "not comic knowledgable"? You've seen in all my posts that I can post a whole ******* diatribe in such ****. I've got 1 Terabyte full of comics in PC, apart from my physical collection. So yeah, I know what the **** I'm talking about. And I assume most people here do. So, next time you want to defend your opinion, which you shouldn't, it's your own, don't use the "you just don't know the source material" argument. All of us know at least the basics of these characters. Liking or not liking the movie doesn't make you more or less of a fan, so get off your high horse and don't hide behind your ****ing finger and try to come up with excuses. You liked it? Good. You didn't? Good. Own your opinion, don't try to humiliate the other side to reinforce your point.
Critics seem to hate it. Fans are split 50/50 on their love/hate for this. I can safely say I can wait until I see this for free.

That's a mistake. A movie like this has to be seen in an IMAX screen. Larry Fong's cinematography is stunning and there's just too much spectacle for home video.

The Knightmare sequence looked incredible in five stories. The 70mm IMAX presentation was breathtaking throughout.
Don't think you are the only one.
He start rambling and you see the audience at the charity being embarrassed.
Don't think it's your case but some were probably like "oh he's rambling about gods and all again" and don't actually listen to what he says.
Movie is indeed a lot all over the place (to me it's just too generous for its own good but I will never complain about this kind of thing, I like my plate fully loaded even if it end up hurting my tummy lol) but I don't think that the motivations are obscure or that it doesn't make sense.
Im still undecided and really need to see it again.
But boy I love Snyders "integrity" to do what he wants or think is right (even if he's wrong) on such scale.
And kudos to Warner for following trough.
Snyder must have some files on all the execs lol
Just saw it a few hours ago. I liked it more than I thought I would. Not my favorite Batman, but that's ok because it wasn't a "Batman" movie specifically. It felt like a comic book-y movie, and that's not said with anything derogatory towards it at all. I liked Nolan's hyper-realistic universe, and I like this larger than life interpretation too, for different reasons. There is a lot of things that can be nitpicked about this movie
(Who refers to their mom by her first name anyway? That was convenient.)
And the final few moments were telegraphed -- but they still managed to elicit visceral (reflexive?) shock when I saw it. I think everyone who knows anything about comics knew what they were doing after the
but I was still a little surprised that they made us wait so long before showing a definitive hint that
Superman would return from the dead.
Still, I wonder how long they're going to drag it out?

Like, what happened immediately after the the credits starting rolling?
Does Clark immediately punch through his coffin and go hug Lois? Or is it just a sign that there is some life force left in his body, but they're going to go all "Return of Superman Saga" in later movies?
. Meaning is it going to take a while?

I didn't mind the brief glimpses of
Cyborg, Flash, and Aquaman.
Before I saw it I thought the movie would be oversaturated, but that's not the case at all. Bruce's dream/vision of
shows that there may be some time travel / alternate universe things happening down the line, and it may all make sense later if they can pull it off properly and put the pieces together like a puzzle. I can't wait to see the "whole" picture.

The stuff with Flash's message was straight out of INJUSTICE, the story where Supes goes nuts after Joker kills Lois. He blames Bruce and becomes a warlord under Darkseid.

Wouldn't be surprised if JLA will be an adaptation of INJUSTICE.
Don't think you are the only one.
He start rambling and you see the audience at the charity being embarrassed.
Don't think it's your case but some were probably like "oh he's rambling about gods and all again" and don't actually listen to what he says.
Movie is indeed a lot all over the place (to me it's just too generous for its own good but I will never complain about these kind of this) but I don't think that the motivations are obscure or that it doesn't make sense.
Im still undecided and really need to see it again.
But boy I love Snyders "integrity" to do what he wants or think is right (even if he's wrong) on such scale.
And kudos to Warner for following trough.
Snyder must have some files on all the execs lol

It's badly explained. I can piece it together, but to the GA he's just a crazy guy with daddy issues and a grudge, nothing like the Lex Luthor we know. My theory still falls on Deesad, but we'll have to see where they go from here. Just give Snyder the sack and you're set...
Just got back from seeing the movie.
One of the best comicbook movie Ive ever seen!!!

Visually it's stunning, and actually got me to care enough to feel that the heroes are vulnerable.
Sure, some of the critic are correct, it wasn't flawless.
But they're just nit picks. The positives far outweigh its shortcomings.

Not gonna lie...I cried a little bit in the end. :rolleyes2
Snyder needs to stay...bring on the justice league!
4. TMNT2

I'm calling it

after watching this monstrosity, I stand by my original post
Just got back from seeing the movie.
One of the best comicbook movie Ive ever seen!!!

Visually it's stunning, and actually got me to care enough to feel that the heroes are vulnerable.
Sure, some of the critic are correct, it wasn't flawless.
But they're just nit picks. The positives far outweigh its shortcomings.

Not gonna lie...I cried a little bit in the end. :rolleyes2
Snyder needs to stay...bring on the justice league!

Nice to read something positive. I'm seeing this tonight. I'm excited to see something different and unique!
Nice to read something positive. I'm seeing this tonight. I'm excited to see something different and unique!

Take the Matrix's cringy speeches. Mix it with development hell. Add just a few glimmers of hope and actually good scenes. The result is BvS, the smoothie that will dissapoint you with every sip!
Just got back from seeing the movie.
One of the best comicbook movie Ive ever seen!!!

Visually it's stunning, and actually got me to care enough to feel that the heroes are vulnerable.
Sure, some of the critic are correct, it wasn't flawless.
But they're just nit picks. The positives far outweigh its shortcomings.

Not gonna lie...I cried a little bit in the end. :rolleyes2
Snyder needs to stay...bring on the justice league!

Not to be a ****, but... why? I'm not asking in a "yer stoopid" way, I'm genuinely curious. What makes you personally think he's up to the task? Again, I'm just curious, I'm not judging, I've already said my piece.
BvS Lex is Lex Begins as Supes in Mos is is Supes Begins.
I'm fine with seeing the character becoming what he us supposed to be.
The big mistake to me is the final, when he is "crowned".
him screaming with snot was embarrassing.
He should have stayed cool, fearless, crazy like he was with Supes on the rooftop.
Felt too much like a bat vs joker scene.
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