lol. Yeah, the cut from the guy who made that craptastic BvS is somehow going to make that POS of a film any better.
God, I would much rather watch the new charlies angels ****.
I?m just glad the Snyder verse is dead. Just let it die.
I would have preferred a BvS: Shortened Edition. Doomsday and the death of Superman removed altogether and an alternate final act in their place and the forced Justice League stuff also excised. Because other than that stuff it was a decent film.
How many times are we going to go through this cycle?
Fans: "Release the Snyder cut!"
WB: "No."
*a few months pass*
Fans: "Release the Snyder cut!"
WB: "No."
*a few more months pass*
Fans: "We heard you guys might release it."
WB: "NO!"
Despite it having more films before the group film, I actually thought the coalescing of the Avengers felt more forced than the JL.
I do agree I wouldn?t hold my breath on the release of a Snyder cut. Regardless, I?ve kind of moved on from the DCEU at this point. Even if it is good, it?d actually only make me hate the fact even more so that WB has their heads up their collective ***** with this universe.
I would have preferred a BvS: Shortened Edition. Doomsday and the death of Superman removed altogether and an alternate final act in their place and the forced Justice League stuff also excised. Because other than that stuff it was a decent film.
How can a universe that is set up with 5 movies, that were meticulously planned, feel more forced, than a "universe" that wanted to have the team movie after 2 movies, with one already going through severe re-writes and since the studios get the jitters they push one development movie and scrap 3?
There was a leak, in which the person, that also leaked that Robert Pattinson will play the new Batman, said that the Snyder cut WILL e released and first on HBO
Because I felt the death of Superman was a better inspiration for the team to come together. All three of the marquee JL characters (WW, Superman, and Batman) kind of took the same individual paths with their own trials and tribulations before ultimately coming to a head. Batman set out to rid Gotham of crime, but had become jaded and sort of gave up on the quest that he started out on when he realized that for every bad guy he gets, another one will simply take his place. Superman set out to be a beacon of hope, but soon realized that no matter what he did, bad things were still going to happen and that the world isn’t black and white. Wonder Woman set out to kill Ares thinking that doing so would bring peace and harmony to mankind, then ultimately realized that the world isn’t perfect and can be a cruel place. All three paths met and all realized that there is still good in the world that is worth fighting for, and witnessing Superman’s sacrifice only reinforced this revelation for Batman and Wonder Woman and inspired them to want to create the JL.
Avengers felt more of like a “can you guys just get along for five minutes and fight Loki please?”
I get that, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
Yeah because what we're getting now is so much better.![]()
Uhhhhh yea? The joker movie is killing it right now
Because I felt the death of Superman was a better inspiration for the team to come together. All three of the marquee JL characters (WW, Superman, and Batman) kind of took the same individual paths with their own trials and tribulations before ultimately coming to a head. Batman set out to rid Gotham of crime, but had become jaded and sort of gave up on the quest that he started out on when he realized that for every bad guy he gets, another one will simply take his place. Superman set out to be a beacon of hope, but soon realized that no matter what he did, bad things were still going to happen and that the world isn?t black and white. Wonder Woman set out to kill Ares thinking that doing so would bring peace and harmony to mankind, then ultimately realized that the world isn?t perfect and can be a cruel place. All three paths met and all realized that there is still good in the world that is worth fighting for, and witnessing Superman?s sacrifice only reinforced this revelation for Batman and Wonder Woman and inspired them to want to create the JL.
Avengers felt more of like a ?can you guys just get along for five minutes and fight Loki please??
I get that, but I?ll believe it when I see it.
Snoop meant solely the DCEU.
Joker ist standalone
Then what we are getting in the DCEU is way better than bvs or jl. Aside from birds of prey. We got Shazam , aquaman and Wonder Woman . Film that steered clear from the horrible Snyder vision.
Different folks, different strokes. It?s just inconsistent with the original vision and I highly enjoyed it and would?ve liked to see it pulled through.
Dc could of done it. Had they not tried to play catch up. They had a lead but they didn?t have faith in there characters despite them being the most popular heroes of all time. So now they got out grossed by a raccoon and a tree. All because they thought Wonder Woman and flash wouldn?t sell.