Yep comparing whats considered a failure to the latest masterpiece (says you) produced by Marvel is the most honest way to demonstrate your point.
Why not compare nolan ´s batman to the ****** lazy marvel movies who came out at the same Time for exemple?
Oh wait that does not help yur dissing of Warner bros...
And yep cap 2 was a bore fest for me. And its no big deal you know.
Going to a movie when yu know 10mins in who are the bad guys, the traitors, how and where its gonna end, bored me.
Past that boat infiltration and all the cgi big scenes designed by storyboard and previz artist the action were edited without any sense of pace or Space rendering it as unbearable as any action shitfest we ve seen these last years.
And come on the movie is Subtitled the Winter soldier, but seriously what does he have to do, hes basically a prop, a great badass one but save for the climax (wich was a lackluster, the rooftop and bridge scenes were better) hés really not used in that script.
Now i loved Cap and Falcon dynamic, and Bucky was cool but all the rest were just as shallow as usual.
Now its a great idea to go the spy thriller way, its a sexý well executed bore fest but a bore fest nonetheless for ME, MYSELF and I.
Meaning its just an opinion based on my tastes in movies.
Not gospel.
So relax and put that crack pipe down bro! Say no!
Yeah i know it must be a shock to discover that some have different opinions

Cool if you enjoyed it but dont shove your truth down the throats of those who didnt.
Im perfectly fine with those who wanna make love to the movie.
You should too with those who dont want to
Thank you