Super Freak
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Kryptonian healing coma dude.
Kryptonian healing coma dude.
Can Superman recover from such catastrophic damage?
I would disagree there - Marvel movies are made with everyone in mind. They make their movies enjoyable for kids, teens, adults and elder people, too.
They're also growing their female audience considerably.
As a female myself, as of right now when it comes to Batman vs. Superman and the subject of Wonder Woman, I would be less concerned about Gal Gadot's body than about the creative team behind these films being capable of writing and presenting a strong female character that can easily go toe to toe with the Big Boys. Goyer doesn't inspire me with confidence in that department. Neither does Zack Snyder.
ETA: There's nothing whatsoever wrong with Nolan's Batman films in tone - they fit the character perfectly in those films. But to carry that specific tone through out an entire series of movies with multiple characters with different backgrounds and motivations? We'll see how that ends up working out for them.
Stark was banging chicks in Marvel films long before Talia popped Bruce's cherry. And at least there's blood when Marvel characters die on screen, not so with TDKR.
Well if Batman recovered from B&R I'm sure Superman can survive appearing in MOS. Wait, what kind of damage did you mean?
So they are basing the whole premise of this on the failings of the last movies awful script? Way to go WB!!
They should not try and post rationalise the ridiculous destruction at the end of the last movie and just move on. Because the last script made zero sense in the Superman world.
Why would they try to post-rationalize the destruction? It doesn't need rationalization and the script makes perfect sense for the most part.
Superman destroys half a city and a lot of smallville in a scrap with some alien buddies?
Then breaks said aliens neck.
It does not make sense in the Superman universe.
Jesus, it became a complete joke online after MOS was released, there was even a flash game made to take the piss out of it?
Where every punch Supes made at Zod a load of skyscrapers would fall down.
Ok, point exactly how and when Superman actually destroyed half of Metropolis and a lot of Smallville.Superman destroys half a city and a lot of small vile in a scrap with done alien buddies?
Then breaks said aliens neck.
It does not make sense in the Superman universe.
Jesus, it became a complete joke online after MOS was released, there was rven a flash game made to take the poss out of it?
Where every punch Supes made at Zod a load of skyscrapers would fall down.