The campaign is just another COD campaign. It's cool that it's taking place in different locals around the states though. (Just like MW2)
I plan to get it and play the campaign but not so soon; that's not on my priority list. I'll get it when it's dirt cheap. It's funny cause I never finished the BF3 campaign. I went straight to MP.
A sniper definitely won't benefit from it. It's meant to help with single shot accuracy from an assault rifle or smg.
Like extended mags on a heavy machine gun? xD
I didn't know they came with that till my friend unlocked it.
I never do. I don't want more vertical climb than I already get. I tend to run around a lot too, so single shot accuracy wouldn't help me all that much.
Yeah, I'm a runner too.
I took it off but what to fill that slot with? Engineer are assed out but I've seen assault medics with a grenade launcher under their M416. How did they do that? From what I see; that grenade launcher's like another pistol.