Battlefield 3

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The campaign is just another COD campaign. It's cool that it's taking place in different locals around the states though. (Just like MW2)

I plan to get it and play the campaign but not so soon; that's not on my priority list. I'll get it when it's dirt cheap. It's funny cause I never finished the BF3 campaign. I went straight to MP.

A sniper definitely won't benefit from it. It's meant to help with single shot accuracy from an assault rifle or smg.

Like extended mags on a heavy machine gun? xD

I didn't know they came with that till my friend unlocked it.

I never do. I don't want more vertical climb than I already get. I tend to run around a lot too, so single shot accuracy wouldn't help me all that much.

Yeah, I'm a runner too.

I took it off but what to fill that slot with? Engineer are assed out but I've seen assault medics with a grenade launcher under their M416. How did they do that? From what I see; that grenade launcher's like another pistol.
I actually use the extended mag on my saw. Why rock 100 rounds when you can rock 200! Wall of bullets FTW!

I'm starting to use suppressors actually. Kinda nice not giving your position away every time you fire. It's good if you're a mover like I am.

The noob tube in BF3 kinda sucks because it takes the place of your med kits. Lame. It's fun to use, but they should've made it an attachment instead of a skill. I don't know what they were thinking.
Wall of bullets FTW!

I'm starting to use suppressors actually. Kinda nice not giving your position away every time you fire. It's good if you're a mover like I am.

The noob tube in BF3 kinda sucks because it takes the place of your med kits. Lame. It's fun to use, but they should've made it an attachment instead of a skill. I don't know what they were thinking.


That's funny. I got the skill where you can carry extra rockets. It's overkill with the rocket spamming.

That is lame but that's why they merged the assault and medic class together.
The repair tool should be standard too, not switchable with the EOD and M15 Mines.


Oh man, i just had a good laugh from a comment from a review of MW3

"Personally I don't mind the engine at all. It's served well and no doubt Treyarch are using it right now for Black
Ops 2. Frostbite 2 on console on the other hand seems a little, how do I say it, like playing a game from 2005.

BF3 had its moments but was ultimately let down by not having enough new ideas of its own, a bad control set up (who flies a jet using mostly just the right analogue stick?)."

"new ideas" lasers, bipod and tac lights that actually work and so mich other stuff make me :lol at this guy

Battlefield 3 IS the pinnacle of FPS multiplayer gaming. The End.
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Got the Extended mag for the MP7, definitley takes some of the preassure off in landing the first few rounds.

I wish there'd be more XP for piloting choppers and using the MAV/Soflam etc... They are good teamwork moves but get very little encouragement to use them.

I spent a good portion of a Rush match piloting a non-attack chopper, my team and squad got some good kills but i was near the last position on the board.
dont those scout choppers have at least the front machine guns on them?
They do, this was like a passenger one with five seats or so, only Flares.

oh i see. havent flown that one yet. yeah unless youre feeling generous to just be the 'bus driver' that one doesnt make much sense for the pilot.

add me up if you have PSN nash13
how is MP on this game?

Pretty much the best available:

  • Great guns
  • Attachments that actually change the way you play (Bipod, Tactical Lights, foregrip)
  • Plenty of upgradable vehicles. land, sea and air
  • Destructible environments, (great enough that falllng debris can injure you)
  • Great, intense games modes.
  • Useful gadgets for each class
  • Strategic boosters for different types of play
  • Plenty of Maps
  • Visceral sound (amazing immersion)
  • Lots and lots of unlocks that will take a good amount of time, global, weapons & class specific
  • Suppresive Fire (blurs the side screen of an enemy on the sides the bullets pass by them, works very well)
  • Selectible firing modes, Fully Auto, 3-Round Burst(*) & Semi-Auto (*Applicable guns)
  • Scope Glare for Scope over 3x magnification (great for spotting snipers)
  • Realistic Bullet Drop over long distances

The only thing it lacks is 'Nazi Zombies'
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Yep. All that stuff Nova Force said.

I just played a few matches. It's weird how much better the controls feel to me compared to MW3. I wasn't sure if a shooter would ever get the controls as good as CoD, but BF3 did and then some. MW3 actually feels a little clunky now. Crazy.
Close to getting the mortar! Woot. Hopefully it works out for me.

Mortar's good it just requires plenty of teammate spotting for you, and strategic placement.


Got my second service star, for the MP7 this time, and got my first Medal for conquest wins :yess:

Current favourite loadout: MP7 with IRNV or 4X ACOG, Tac Light & Extended Mag / M9 Supp.


How often do you guys switch firing modes?

I do so about 3-5 times per round...

For close/medium Range i go full automatic, long distance i hit the single shot semi-auto, for medium range i go 3-round burst
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Mortar's good it just requires plenty of teammate spotting for you, and strategic placement.


Got my second service star, for the MP7 this time, and got my first Medal for conquest wins :yess:

Current favourite loadout: MP7 with IRNV or 4X ACOG, Tac Light & Extended Mag / M9 Supp.


How often do you guys switch firing modes?

I do so about 3-5 times per round...

For close/medium Range i go full spread, long distance i hit the single shot, medium range i go 3-round burst

You know what, I never knew you could do that; so I've never have. Usually I use short controlled bursts.
It's great for controlled long range shots, i got some long range kills tonight with the MP7 by using the single shot mode and aiming carefully, not too easy with that gun, it's mostly a rapid-fire SMG.

The mode you're using is next to your ammo count i think. 1 white dot for single shot, 2 for three-round burst & 3 dots for full auto.

Just press down on the D-pad to cycle between them.
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Here's a list of the new weapons for the Back To Karkand Expansion:


I would've preffered an MP5K instead or an UZI and the SPAS or NS2000 from BC2 would've been great.

On another note i just read that the Type 99 LMG was exclusive to the 'Physical Warfare' pack, i thought it was a day one unlock like the DAO Shotgun and Flechette Amoo

I'm not much of an LMG user sl i'm not that upset, but still.
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Supposedly the destruction is improved from the rest of the maps; I'm not sure what that means but I guess you can't hide in the alley ways anymore like in BF2. LOL

Back to Karkand is going to be bananas!

Can't wait!