I disagree with a lot of that Kidd. The glitches are for sure a problem that needs fixing. Losing gunfights to dead guys is especially infuriating. DMRs aren't overpowered IMO. Try using one for a while and see if you dominate with it. They have a lot of recoil, can't hit the broadside of a barn from the hip (even at point blank range) and take at least three bullets to kill. That's reasonable to me.
You do need to be stationary for 90% of your shots to hit with a sniper rifle. Even a slow strafe will cause you to miss most of the time. No scoping is pure chance like any other weapon. I think that's fair. Quick scoping is ok to me in this game because it's really hard to do. Getting a one shot kill with snipers in BF4 is tough. The box for it is tiny. If you quick scope me, I can only take my hat off to you. It's not easy and I think it's an earned skill. Much moreso than CoD.
I think it's good to have classes that are different. That's the idea after all. If every class can do everything then why even have different ones. I think it's ok to force people to switch to fit a situation.
C4 is fine IMO. If they can reach a vehicle without getting spotted and blow it up more power to them. I usually get smoked trying to blow up vehicles with it. Claymores I agree with. Hate those stupid things.
It's so hard to take out aircraft as it is, I'm not in a hurry to make it harder. With all the flares and lack of power, you can fire lock on rockets at a bird a whole match and never take it out. They just fly off and heal..if you do manage to take one out, they just respawn (way too quickly IMO) and come back for more.
I'm with you on BC2. Loved that game.