What I think is weird is that they have no memories of ever being Cylons, which makes me think they had to have captured and maybe even killed the human versions of them to get their memories and stuff.
I just wonder when this all happened? How old are they really. Is Tigh the oldest, or were they all inserted at once. Did this happen recently before the attacks or what?? And who inserted them. They obviously didn't do it themselves, as they have no memories of being Cylons. Or maybe they did and just did a memory dump and loaded their "software".
How old are the other skin-job cylons, like the 6s and 8s?? I know the big war happened like 40 years ago and they were just mechanical only then, so.......
I guess they all were built after that. Does anyone know how long ago Razor was? That is a crucial part to the story, as they were just begining to meld human and cylons and that will give a timeline for the rest of the events.
And I still want to know why the 5th cylon wasn't drawn to the music?? WTF??!!