Super Freak
Re: bbkill's Sculpts: Tattoo, Craig, Predator, Gump
PERFECT Craig! amazing work man, I need two!
PERFECT Craig! amazing work man, I need two!
Thank you so much freaks!~ Will try my very best to make it happen!~
Rogerbee:WOW man, what a pair of good eyes you have there!! I'm so so happy with someone who can see such difference!! Absolutely right that these pictures are something around 95mm focal. And it's always recommended that modeling portrait (3D) under a long focal camera.
Reference photos are all around and they are of varying lens focal and distortion. Matching the right focal of virtual cam to an unknown focal photo is always a big headache (maybe to me). And I think I learned a lot through my recent head sculpting journey.
Craig has a very wide head under a long focal. And some of the photographers like to use wide angle to shoot his face, making a big nose and elongated head~
Hi freaks, here's a custom lisbeth sculpt for practice~ I like the movie a lot~ still a digital sculpt, but will consider printing it out.
I finally have some time to update my girl and~ the craig.
The craig is for bond and also tattoo~ So far I have done a lot about craig and I feel this is the right proportion for him~
For the freaks who want the gump, I'm so sorry that it cannot be offered at the moment as the cast quality bad (well I do have a few good copies with little bit bubbles needing fix). I'm still practicing to do better molding and casting and I will see the possibility for vacuum casting. Sooner or later I will be able to produce my own heads. Thanks for all your support~
A reminder, If I go for printing, The earrings of the girl will not be included because they are just too tiny...will break easily
wow! i love the craig if this ever gets cast please pm me il probly get a couple.I need a layer cake figure
iv got this tattoo so far