is that referring to marcus the hybrid or arnold's t-800?
is that referring to marcus the hybrid or arnold's t-800?
I'm going to go ahead and offend everybody who likes this Bullsh1tbrick crap and say these are an abomination to the characters they represent. Defend them all you want, but these are the devil's toys. Why is there always the gay version of everything cool. If you like Terminator stuff, get Terminator stuff. F this cute crap. You want a teddy bear, get a f'ing teddy bear. These things wipe their @$$es with the characters they protray. I absolutely hate these with a passion and wish they would disappear from my world. And $90. Are you out of your damn mind?
BTW, T-RIP stands for Terminator-Resistance Infiltration Prototype. It's the prototype for the T-800.
Don't b1tch to me about spoilers either. Playmates revealed their version of this figure over a month ago, that's how I know. It's not the Marcus thing either. He is probably the first stage of real skinned Terminators.
BTW, T-RIP? Come on. Is that supposed to be super cool? That's lame. Like Skynet had a staff meeting to come up with something that would sound "killer" as an acronym. Please.
Nope, not yet. Besides, I didn't use a single bad word. No chevrons on that rant.
I like your signature, BTW
Well, I didn't presonalize it at least. I didn't attack anybody specific for liking them. I just attacked the toy itself, and the general notion of beinginterested in these, which is a normal occurance on these forums no matter the figure.
This is true. He wasn't insulting or attacking board members.
Unless they like Tonner stuff.We should try not to criticize groups of people who might be interested in something that doesn't appeal to our individual tastes.
Unless they like Tonner stuff.
I kid. I kid.
This is true. He wasn't insulting or attacking board members.
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