Before the end comes....

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:lecture:lecture:lecture as well as putting certain figures before others.

You would think so, but there is lot left to do for Lord of the Rings, and Indy, but one line was confirmed cancelled, and the other is on "pause". I know Star Wars has more staying power for a varitey of reasons, but the bottom line is as soon as Sideshow starts having a good quantity of stock left over, they WILL start to consider if it's profitable for them or not.

BTW, has anyone noticed that you can still order Obi-Wan Jedi Knight, Rebel Fleet Trooper, Ki Adi Mundi, Endor Strike Bundle and Jabba the Hutt? That's not counting the RAH figures you can still order.

This is why LOTR died, this is why Indy is on life support and this is why, someday...the Star Wars Line will be cancelled too. It's only a matter of time. The question much?
You would think so, but there is lot left to do for Lord of the Rings, and Indy, but one line was confirmed cancelled, and the other is on "pause". I know Star Wars has more staying power for a varitey of reasons, but the bottom line is as soon as Sideshow starts having a good quantity of stock left over, they WILL start to consider if it's profitable for them or not.

BTW, has anyone noticed that you can still order Obi-Wan Jedi Knight, Rebel Fleet Trooper, Ki Adi Mundi, Endor Strike Bundle and Jabba the Hutt? That's not counting the RAH figures you can still order.

This is why LOTR died, this is why Indy is on life support and this is why, someday...the Star Wars Line will be cancelled too. It's only a matter of time. The question much?

The good thing about Star Wars is despite having a good quantity of stock left from Bespin Han, Bespin Luke, Leia as Boussh, etc., who were (I think Leia still is) rotting on the website looooong past their issue dates, the money's already been made. If you could produce a fart cloud of the Star Wars logo, you'd make money off of it. While I have no doubt that at some point, Sideshow will bail on the Star Wars 12" line, I don't think that's gonna be any time soon.

LOTR died in part because of Sideshow, but it was mainly due to snooty collectors who didn't want to buy the 12" line and those who did, got ADD and bailed before Sideshow released the best and main releases, Frodo, Sam and Gandalf. Indy's on life support purely because of the serious issues each and every 12" release has had in that line, and that's 100% on Sideshow. Star Wars still has plenty of life left in it.
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I'm pretty sure none of the LOTR figures hung around for long after they shipped. Not until Gandalf and the hobbits. The LSB's on the other hand seem to sit on the gift card list for months, and those still get produced, while the 12" line was cancelled.

I suppose just for the hell of it.

Tusken Raider

Hoth Leia
Hoth Rebel (sorry Snowtrooper)
ESB Vader

Skiff Guard Lando
Emperor Palpatine
ROTJ Vader
Biker Scout (which seems really lame w/o the Snowtrooper, but not half as lame as not having any bounty hunters from Empire)
I tried to do this, but it just seemed ridiculous. There's too much left to do.

:lecture:lecture:lecture as well as putting certain figures before others.


I don't know, guys... Star Wars is so over-saturated now (and has been for years) that I have no problem coming up with a list of just the characters I really want.

There is so much filler and fodder in the brand now that you basically have to deal with at least 2 "meh" characters before you get to one you really like.

I don't know, guys... Star Wars is so over-saturated now (and has been for years) that I have no problem coming up with a list of just the characters I really want.

There is so much filler and fodder in the brand now that you basically have to deal with at least 2 "meh" characters before you get to one you really like.

Then to my earlier statements, let me add;

"Why even bother wasting the time to make a list chalk-full of disappointment?" Because that's all it's gonna be.
This is a rookie question, but how did SS do as a company before SW? I only became aware of them when they got the SW line.

Would Marvel and others be enough to keep them going now?
This is a rookie question, but how did SS do as a company before SW? I only became aware of them when they got the SW line.

Would Marvel and others be enough to keep them going now?

They kicked ass with the Universal Monsters. They were my intro to Sideshow. And keep in mind, they'll still pump out dios, LSBs, 1:1 busts, PFs, etc.
hi guys heres my pennys worth.
if you look at the quality of the ss 1/6th figures then compare them to hot toys i think you will find the problem. i know the ss stuff is cheaper but i bet if hot toys got the license for 1/6th sw figures you would see a stampede for them. ss just never got to grips with the level of detail needed to make 1/6 sell and it will be their undoing. star wars will ALWAYS sell but the quality of certain items is where the problem lies. less crap more quality will keep the franchise alive. btw does anyone know if the live action tv show is ever going to get off the ground?
^^^Those are some good points Wolverine. I know for a fact that if Hot Toys ever got the SW license they would sell like hot cakes. Sideshow figures are getting better and better as they go. If they can maintain the appeal for the line and get the quality that they are getting from their G.I. Joe figures I'm sure many people will keep buying.
Okay, I'll play this game and add my $.01:

Jar Jar (yes really Jar Jar)
Queen Amidala
(Honorable Mentions:)
Nute Gunray

Zam Wesell
Count Dooku

General Grievous
Commander Gree

aliens from the Cantina (especially Figrin D'an)
(honorable mention)
Deathstar Gunners
Luke (x-wing gear)
hell any of the pilots including Wedge would be cool

Bounty Hunters
(honorable mention:)
Han/Luke/Princess (Hoth gear)

Prince Xizor (kind of a cheat, but since it is a lead in the movie I am adding it here
Lando (Skiff)
Scout Troopers
Emperors Guards

There are more that I would buy, but these are the ones that come to mind.
Prince Xizor (kind of a cheat, but since it is a lead in the movie I am adding it here
Lando (Skiff)
Scout Troopers
Emperors Guards

There are more that I would buy, but these are the ones that come to mind.

Rumor has it he had a cameo in TPM. I don't remember seeing him though.
Great, please tell me we're not gonna start with all the uber lame HotToys fanboy posts. :rolleyes:

i am a "fanboy" as you so ineloquently put it of hot toys but the thread is about 1/6 scale figures and in my opinion no one makes better ones than ht. ss have improved on their earlier attempts of 1/6 but they still dont come close to what ht can produce. i think ss should stick to pf as they have that nailed down and let someone else take the license for 1/6 scale.
personally i dont get anal about opinions made by other people perhaps you should do the same.
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******* posts? i am a "fanboy" as you so ineloquently put it of hot toys but the thread is about 1/6 scale figures and in my opinion no one makes better ones than ht. ss have improved on their earlier attempts of 1/6 but they still dont come close to what ht can produce. i think ss should stick to pf as they have that nailed down and let someone else take the license for 1/6 scale.
personally i dont get anal about opinions made by other people perhaps you should do the same.

HT's Star Wars figures would cost twice as much and likely hover around the $180 mark. As it is now, there's a 60% price increase between HT and SS 1:6 figures. However the gap in quality isn't 60%. So to compare the two companies is absurd. Additionally, I think you'd likely switch the complaints to HT's QC issues, like broken wrist pegs, faulty knee joints, lazy eyes, etc., issues which plague HT's products at the moment but are less forgivable as getting an exchange through them is labor-intensive, IF they answer you, and at that pricepoint, considerably more obvious and less forgiveable.
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