Griffith doesn't look like Griffith but Berserker looks nice.
Was finally able to get a hold of Berserk the Golden Age Arc, is that what the statues are based off of? Trying to learn more about this line.
No there based on the manga but they there adding there own style to it.
Gotcha, thanks! So the Golden Age Arc movie is completely different from the manga? Got thru the first 30 minutes so far and it's interesting.
Griffith's face isn't round enough. Wtf is with the Berserk line? It's the weakest likenesses for the company.
That sucks, now I have to decide if I want to keep my preorder up for him.
Yeah I know, Void seems to be sold out everywhere though and I would hate missing out on the last member of the god hand. I own all of the other ones so far so I think I'm just going to keep my preorder.