add a little bit of thunder effect, to me, without it it's just too plain on the statue.
Just started monthly payments with P1 for Zodd!
Got 2 more payments on Griffith. Probably squeeze Gutz Berserker in as soon as Griffith is paid for.
Grabbing the whole line damn it!
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Totally going to be worth it. Prime 1 makes a great product. Hope I can get the whole line, although I’m not sure I will want the God Hand.
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i always assumed the first Guts and armoured berserker were 1/3 scale, i was hoping Black Swordsman would have a simpler base , looks like this 1/3 would have suited me,, but now im hearing they are making a armoured berserker guts as well in 1/3 .. i liked the 1/4 scale but wanted a unmasked head,,, I only saw the 90s anime after this line was revealed by Prime 1, so dont know beyond the anime,, but i was hooked enough to hopefullly get one for my collection