Unhelmeted head looks incredibly accurate. Hopefully the in hand matches it.
Don't care about the gimmick stand so I'll grab the regular at some point.
Don't care about the gimmick stand so I'll grab the regular at some point.
It's up on BBTS with $4 shipping - if you want to save on shippingNot bad after shipping come up to $250. Is anybody else getting more than 1? I thinking about picking 2 up but I fear if they did end up putting deluxe pre order online later on then I stuck with 3
Just the down payment,I think it's $24 which is niceDoes BBTS charge immediately?
Just the down payment,I think it's $24 which is nice
I ordered more than 1 Griffith as I plan to have 2 on display (one without helmet, one posed with helmet). Thought long and hard about if I actually *needed* it but considering how difficult all the previous Berserk ThreeZero figures have been to find after-market, I'd rather be safe and order now.
I plan on buying a second one soon! Honestly just go for it if thats what your heart is telling you, if they do decide to out the deluxe online you can always just cancel one of your standards I am sure, and its not like it will lose value, so selling is an optionNot bad after shipping come up to $250. Is anybody else getting more than 1? I thinking about picking 2 up but I fear if they did end up putting deluxe pre order online later on then I stuck with 3
did sideshow ever offer the other figs? if not i'll drop a preorder with bbts.
Gotta read these things carefully. For some reason I thought the deluxe version was going to be available on the Threezero website earlier today.The sadness...
A small price to pay, for the possibility of future CascaGriffith is up on the Threezero store, $230 upfront.