Bespin Han 15 Day Notice

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If that is the case, they shouldn't tell us it is in the warehouse and they should not charge us yet.
rainman said:
If that is the case, they shouldn't tell us it is in the warehouse and they should not charge us yet.

Sounds like it IS in the warehouse but sorta waiting in the shipping line behind products such as Iron Man and Wolverine. They've probably started charging cards because it is physically there and it may expediate the process when they start shipping.
Sith Lord 0498 said:
Sounds like it IS in the warehouse but sorta waiting in the shipping line behind products such as Iron Man and Wolverine. They've probably started charging cards because it is physically there and it may expediate the process when they start shipping.

No kidding. Take a chill Rainman I'm sure SS thought they'd have everything else ready to ship.
pjam said:
********** IMPORTANT UPDATE**********

Bespin Han won't begin to ship for a week to 10 days according to SSC CS!

Most likey he'll begin to ship in about a week so we'll just have to be a little more patient. This is because of the huge backlog of product in the shipping warehouse.

My guess is we'll be able to see updated final prod photos of him soon (the next few days) on the SSC site.

Thanks for the update, Pjam! :emperor
Do people actually call SS and pester them on this stuff? I just wait for the email.

I've called a few times if a question came up. Most are very helpful. One time, the rep was semi-cranky, but it's probably because she'd gotten the same question several dozen times already. Funny thing is I can't even remember the question. :)
I usually only pester them about things like phone orders not showing up in my account and stuff like that. I usually use email though then you have proof you talked to someone.
Do people actually call SS and pester them on this stuff? I just wait for the email.

Pester? Why so harsh/negative? When a 3-5 day notice for a highly anticipated item is sent and they don't ship as scheduled wouldn't you politely ask CUSTOMER SERVICE when they expect to ship? That's what I did and it was a very pleasant and brief conversation.

And now that this info is shared on this board many more calls into SSC CS have been prevented.
pjam said:
And now that this info is shared on this board many more calls into SSC CS have been prevented.

One person calling and posting an answer on the board probably prevents multiple calls from all of our enquiring minds.
tomandshell said:
One person calling and posting an answer on the board probably prevents multiple calls from all of our enquiring minds.

Wow, Luke is back in your avatar Tom, reminds me of the good times had during that insane Jedi Luke shipping craziness... :lol
It says mine is shipping soon now too and my order was placed at 2006-02-10 18:02:47 but I know it had to be earlier than that because thats like 5 hours after they went on sale. There is temp authorization on the credit card and Im a double boxer and Im in North Carolina

When they double box the order do they charge you seperately for that or not I got one for 8.39 and one for 64.99.

I think the 8.39 could be the shipping for what I won during the SDCC contests
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rainman said:
If that is the case, they shouldn't tell us it is in the warehouse and they should not charge us yet.

And just how much work would this take to do - and then people would ***** when it DOES actually arrive and they try to process all the credit order stuff then. For gods sake - some companies actually make you pay for the pre-orders when you pre-order and have cancellation penalties if you pull out - not sideshow.

Geez. A little gratitude would not be out of place. :emperor

Meanwhile I won't recieve mine for a while cos they're holding it for the other soon to come Star Wars figures. And they'll get charged when the last one arrives :) :chew
jason2885 said:
It says mine is shipping soon now too and my order was placed at 2006-02-10 18:02:47 but I know it had to be earlier than that because thats like 5 hours after they went on sale.

The time listed is not PST. You have to subtract 8 from that, so your order was official at 10:02 AM Sideshow time.
LordAzrael said:
And just how much work would this take to do - and then people would ***** when it DOES actually arrive and they try to process all the credit order stuff then. For gods sake - some companies actually make you pay for the pre-orders when you pre-order and have cancellation penalties if you pull out - not sideshow.

Geez. A little gratitude would not be out of place.

LordAzrael said:
And just how much work would this take to do - and then people would ***** when it DOES actually arrive and they try to process all the credit order stuff then. For gods sake - some companies actually make you pay for the pre-orders when you pre-order and have cancellation penalties if you pull out - not sideshow.

Geez. A little gratitude would not be out of place. :emperor

:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
jlcmsu said:


What you guys don't know is that they can't charge you by law until it ships. No company legally can. That's why they do pre-authorizations. In addition, it doesn't seem to me a good policy to get everyone worked up by telling them they are in the warehouse, and then say they won't ship for 7 to 10 days. All I was saying was they shouldn't charge us until it ships so lay off me.
tomandshell said:
The time listed is not PST. You have to subtract 8 from that, so your order was official at 10:02 AM Sideshow time.
Really I thought it took me about 20 minutes to get Han or that could have been Mace. Maybe I got Han really quickly. I was worried about missing that Mynock.

i dont see the big deal about when you get charged. I am actually happy to see mine being charged because I know its coming