I wouldnt be so optimistic...
I predict August...
yeah...but who would be looking for it?
Not sure if SS had revealed the ES size earlier and I just hadn't noticed but it's fairly low at 600. For all the complaining, this might end up being hard to find once it sells out.
600 is only the exclusive. they did another 1000 for the regular.
bargain basement deals to be had for sure on this one.
Well probably a lot of people will be looking for this because the more general statue collecting audience seems to not reflect the opinion of collector groups. Plus I don't usually seem these smaller ES pieces for sale, if anything I see the more popular large ES up for sale constantly. Even the supposed smaller ES of XM or IS are constantly up for sale.
I didn't realize there was a regular edition. I couldn't find it on the site, I don't know if they always make a regular edition?
I don’t love the post but I love Bespin Luke. Decisions, decisions.
Not the greatest statue, but I love Bespin Luke uniform. The two best uniforms are in the best movie, now I need Hoth Luke.
I don’t love the post but I love Bespin Luke. Decisions, decisions.