Super Freak
Actually it's the end of June next year. That's a really long time. I guess I can afford to wait and see if something I really want shows up on the list.
Going to Best Buy this morning to try to find this. I hope they still have one. I usually read the weekly sales ad in the Sunday paper, but now that I'm off weekends, I'm going to have to remember that I don't get the free paper at work and just check their mailer on the Best Buy website. This is definitely one I want, as I've been putting off buying any Terminator on bluray. Thanks for the news...
Does anyone know if you can use multiple giftcards on eligible items?
you cannot combine gift cards on one order.
Dino - its usually limited to one per account holder per offer. Like when we sometimes get multiples at a comic-con, once I've used one from the event, my account is locked out from using others from the same event. Don't know if that holds true for these pack-ins.