Best live-action Batman movie?

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Best live-action Batman movie?

  • Batman (1943)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Batman (1966)

    Votes: 7 5.1%
  • Batman (1989)

    Votes: 26 19.1%
  • Batman Returns

    Votes: 6 4.4%
  • Batman Forever

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • Batman & Robin

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Batman Begins

    Votes: 20 14.7%
  • The Dark Knight

    Votes: 60 44.1%
  • The Dark Knight Rises

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Votes: 11 8.1%

  • Total voters
If Batman's iron mask really cracked off like that from Supes punch, so would his gelatin face.
It's bound to stretch reality, isn't it? Do you not think it's feasible that a really strong mask could be brittle enough to do such a thing?
I might buy a Batman who lures Superman in -- with traps and Kryptonite tricks -- in a dark and shadowy way, but always evading direct contact.
Idk sometimes Kryptonite can basically make Clark human strength. Other times it’s like he’s just 10% of his power and still really strong.

I think if it’s going to work the Kryptonite has to completely de-power him and Batman needs to be way more evasive when it starts to wear off instead of tanking armor breaking punches.
I might buy a Batman who lures Superman in -- with traps and Kryptonite tricks -- in a dark and shadowy way, but always evading direct contact.
He wanted Superman to feel like his traps weren't working. It lowered his defenses and leaves him more off guard. Superman can just see through walls anyway.
It's bound to stretch reality, isn't it? Do you not think it's feasible that a really strong mask could be brittle enough to do such a thing?

I would if there were enough room inside the helmet, and a lot more padding, but then he'd have a big bobblehead helmet and the kiddies wouldn't like it.
I might buy a Batman who lures Superman in -- with traps and Kryptonite tricks -- in a dark and shadowy way, but always evading direct contact.
Depends on the Superman. He's literally a godlike being in some continuities; I would even venture to say almost all of them in the modern era. Superman can hear him, smell him, see through almost everything (I remember he used to have issues with lead), feel him, he's infinitely faster ...

... this is an old argument. I remember many years ago when DC rebooted Supes, Batman knew Superman could detect a lie, so upon their first meeting he had some kind of force field and warned Supes that if he breached it, an explosive in some unknown location would kill someone. That kept Superman from physically harming him.

(It was true -- the explosive would have gone off and killed Batman himself. Could Clark have detected that on Bruce? I mean probably but it was a plot contrivance).

Some kind of remote triggered assassination or disabling device ... a Kryptonite trap? Sure. Superman has incredible senses but he's not psychic or omniscient.

I think Batman could beat a Superman that was ready to fight but he’d need the element of surprise to not get fatally flicked in the head with a pebble from space.

Well yeah ... he can't actually "fight" him. I'd maybe be interested in a rebooted Superman who was significantly de-powered. Might be more interesting.
Backing off on Superman's powers would go a long way to making him more interesting.
If I'm remembering right he was originally very strong and nearly invulnerable to conventional weapons, could 'leap tall buildings in a single bound' but didn't really 'fly' ... could be wrong, been a long time.

I'd say: give him only limited capacity to withstand asphyxiation, limited duration in the vacuum of space before taking damage ... flight and strength sure but dial it back so he can't go lifting anything much bigger than say a ... Jumbo Jet or something ... fast but not instantaneously so (no Speedster-level powers like Flash) ... heightened senses but needing to recharge from sunlight, able to sustain actual damage ... it's heretical to dial him back that much and one could argue he'd no longer be 'Superman' but what makes the character interesting? His morals and the conflicts they can cause for him, his being the last of his kind on a primitive planet, or being on God Mode 24/7?

I dunno, in some ways I'm almost describing Man Out of Time Captain America ... moral (even though as a soldier he does kill when deemed necessary), out-of-place, all-American ...
Tdk and Batman returns. I would put the Batman in there but the movie was a lil to long
Hard for me to say. I really like Batman Begins a lot. To me that still might be my favorite.

However I do really like Michael Keaton’s portrayal of Bruce/Batman so I also have to say Batman (1989) and to a lesser extent Batman Returns.

Also it’s still new and I haven’t watched it more than once but I really enjoyed The Batman a lot.

I don’t feel like Affleck had enough of an opportunity to play the character for me to decide if I like him or not.

I know it’s weird to say given he was in two films and made a few cameos, but his Batman feels more like he had a collection of scenes and not really a full movie for me to make a strong determination. He should have had a stand-alone film prior to Batman V Superman.
I dunno, in some ways I'm almost describing Man Out of Time Captain America ... moral (even though as a soldier he does kill when deemed necessary), out-of-place, all-American ...
Yeah I remember when Snyder was saying in 2013 that boy scout heroes aren't relevant anymore and everyone was all dude Cap: The First Avenger literally just proved you wrong, lol.
Batman is pointless in a world where Superman exists. I thought it was hilarious how in Batman v Superman, Gotham and Metropolis are right next to each other.

Batman is better contained in his own little world. Start having him team up with Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash and that world falls apart. Batman isn’t the only one that suffers, his villains suffer too. The other super heroes would make quick, light work of his rogues gallery, but Batman against theirs? He looked ridiculous “fighting” Doomsday with his little kryptonite grenade launcher or the aliens in Justice League.

Same deal with Keaton Batman. Two movies you have Batman up against the likes of the Joker and Penguin, then suddenly he’s flying Flash and Supergirl around to fight off Zod and super powered Kryptonians. It just doesn’t work.

Batman in a super hero world immediately becomes useless. Sure you can have him be the strategic leader, but the audience wants him to be in the action, not back at the Batcave on his computer and headset.
Batman is pointless in a world where Superman exists. I thought it was hilarious how in Batman v Superman, Gotham and Metropolis are right next to each other.

Batman is better contained in his own little world. Start having him team up with Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash and that world falls apart. Batman isn’t the only one that suffers, his villains suffer too. The other super heroes would make quick, light work of his rogues gallery, but Batman against theirs? He looked ridiculous “fighting” Doomsday with his little kryptonite grenade launcher or the aliens in Justice League.

Same deal with Keaton Batman. Two movies you have Batman up against the likes of the Joker and Penguin, then suddenly he’s flying Flash and Supergirl around to fight off Zod and super powered Kryptonians. It just doesn’t work.

Batman in a super hero world immediately becomes useless. Sure you can have him be the strategic leader, but the audience wants him to be in the action, not back at the Batcave on his computer and headset.
I'm with you there...for the most part. Bats can work in that super-powered world, the writers (comic writers included) just haven't taken him up to that point correctly yet. It's probably high-time Batman's suit (which can be a gadget within itself) be given an upgrade to assist him in this arena to a sleek, exo-skeleton level to give him added strength and durability without the clanky Armored style. Still wouldn't be able to go toe-to-toe with Doomsday but he shouldn't be anyways.

As for other ideas to get him more upgraded - I have them...but I'll keep to myself for now in case I'm someday called upon to introduce further arsenal upgrades :)
It's probably high-time Batman's suit (which can be a gadget within itself) be given an upgrade to assist him in this arena to a sleek, exo-skeleton level to give him added strength and durability without the clanky Armored style.

So... you want Iron Bats...?

Batman really wasn't devised to be a super-powered warrior. Strong, OK. Able to lift cars? No, that's Superman territory. Bats had brains.
So... you want Iron Bats...?

Batman really wasn't devised to be a super-powered warrior. Strong, OK. Able to lift cars? No, that's Superman territory. Bats had brains.
Did you not read what I said initially?

Think more of a "promethium" style suit. Not on the level to lift a car, but pack more of a wallop-punch and absorb more of a hit.
I was just going to say, “so Iron Man”?

The tech and armor is getting old too. I wouldn’t mind a Batman that had a costume like Adam West’s, as long as they played it straight. The armor paneling, plating and lines have gotten out of control since the Dark Knight and Arkham games. I don’t like how Affleck, Pattison and Keaton just eat bullets in the new Batman movies. Even their capes are bullet proof. In the Burton and Nolan movies, when he was struck by a bullet, he actually went down. I love how in the first Batman film, thugs open fire on him and you actually see him fall. Same with Dark Knight when Two-Face pops him, he immediately goes to the ground.

The Batman is just preposterous. He’s getting shot up by Riddler thugs with automatic rifles, point blank with shotguns and he just eats them. At least when Affleck was getting shot point blank in the head he howled and growled in pain.

I don’t know, I don’t think Batman works in modern times, especially in the movies that try to “ground” him. If he existed, his identity would be figured out within hours by some government alphabet agency. The disaster, doomsday type threats like city leveling bombs, alien gods from other worlds and floods are getting old too. The stakes are just too high for a Batman story now.

It’d be nice if we got more character studies. Smaller scale Batman movies, preferably period pieces. There is so much you can do with the character and that world that hasn’t been done yet. I was so excited when the Batman was being marketed as a noir detective movie, but they still had to go for that huge, action packed climax which misses the entire point. They’re all cookie cutter. It doesn’t even matter who plays Batman nowadays, **** is all the same.

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