I really like it, may i make a sugestion though Venny?
The skin is allmost perfect, but based on those particular shots, luke's skin is a bit more ruddy. I'd personaly Basecoat the fase with a darker flesh clolr ( using gamesworkshop citadel paints here, so bear wit the names) Of a 70/30 mix of Dwarf fleash( 70) and Elf Flesh(30). Aftor coating the face in that, i'd add more elf flesh to the mix, till it's about 50/50, then water the paint down to about a milk-like consistantcym, and then start layering it on, letting the layer dry, and then add another. doing this created highlights in the skin, and gives the face depth. after 3 or 3 layers, hit it with a layer of flesh wash, and then let the wash dry, and then put 3-5 more layers of the paint ontop of the wash. this will bring some detail into the crevaces of the face, and wrinkles in the skin. finialy, mix in some bleached bone with the mix, just a little, to lighten it, and then put a few layers onto the areas you want highlights ( nose, cheeks, forehead, wherever0 remember to keep the paint Milk-like in consistancey here too.
hopethat helps, and makes sense.