Not my pick, but this is MY favorite Vader statue/collectible currently on the market. (Other than SS' 1:1 bust)
Hmmm, the Attakus looks like he's Irish Step-dancing.
I'll always have a place in my heart for the original Kotobukiya Vader.
<a href=" vader filterui3aimagesize-large/wachilapat/collection/statue2.jpg?o=1" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a>
Okay here is a photo of my exhibition:
not the best pic, but here are some of my vader statues.
What an original looking display!
Thank you!!!
If you interested here you will find all pitures of the display.
holy crap! Is there a link to your collection? I would love to see more pics. And if you ever decide to sell a stormie (or 2) please keep me in mind.
edit - found your collection pics. the only thing that comes to mind is "we are not worthy!"
Thank you verry much!!! But it´s not a fischtank, the display case I built myself.This is one of the most original and coolest diplay options I've ever seen
Just a fishtank (I suppose it is), some stones and awesome lightning