Ok so I decided to jump in on a Besta system. Went with the White. I don't know what the difference between old white and new white, but I'm guessing that all new stock will just be the new white version.
As for the reason why I jumped on board is because there is an instant 15% off all Besta items for
Ikea Family Members. I also have a coupon for 20.00 off 150.00 purchase. I printed out 10 of these coupons. You have to do the math to maximize your discount. Do this math before going to Ikea. Create a note on your phone with item numbers and how many orders it will take.
LINK to 20.00 off 150 coupon
Example of order number 1
besta 102.458.46
51.00 x 3 = 153.00
-20.00 printed coupon
133.00 plus tax
Idea is to figure out the math of your build to get as close to 150.00 without going too far over.
Step 1 cashier scan Ikea Family member card
Step 2 scan all items
Step 3 hand cashier printed 20.00 off 150.00 coupon
Step 4 Pay
Step 5 Load them up in your vehicle
Step 6 Repeat
I was able to do this until I couldn't fit any more in my vehicle.
If the coupon doesn't scan no worries, This also happened to me one time. Cashier has a laminated coupon of all Coupons next to register. They just scanned the Laminated coupon to give me the 20.00 off.
I will post pics once I get it all setup. So long Detolfs