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How's his stuff garbage? You left him positive feedback!
Pretty sure everyone agree's that babyq's stuff is garbage, and that no one who knows any better would ever buy the cheap, overpriced, subpar recasts from him regardless of their opinions on recasting. Richards was probably just being polite.
Just a heads up... Tom.jones314 is almost certainly Q attempting to stir the pot yet again. The issue with stiff_richards buying has been discussed and addressed by him, and last time it was brought up it was again by one of Q's alternate accounts.

So let's be careful what kind of dissent we encourage around here :lol
Just a heads up... Tom.jones314 is almost certainly Q attempting to stir the pot yet again. The issue with stiff_richards buying has been discussed and addressed by him, and last time it was brought up it was again by one of Q's alternate accounts.

So let's be careful what kind of dissent we encourage around here :lol

Lol.... Why do you guys always assume someone who has a different opinion than you guys is automatically Q!
IPs are very close... if I'm wrong I'll apologize, but aside from the nearly identical IP of Q you are also calling out members in the same way Q has done previously and almost exclusively posting in custom threads.

So doing the math I'm fairly confident you are Q or someone related to him.
IPs are very close... if I'm wrong I'll apologize, but aside from the nearly identical IP of Q you are also calling out members in the same way Q has done previously and almost exclusively posting in custom threads.

So doing the math I'm fairly confident you are Q or someone related to him.

Sure! Whatever you say! Why is there so many mods and no one ever does anything to stop this! I was stating my opinion just like everyone else!

Can stiff deny he bought something from babygq14 on eBay and deny he left positive feedback?
Well regardless, the message is just to buy and support the custom artists who create. Our support helps them to manage their overhead and continue to create and offer us new/interesting products.
lol wow u guys are pretty hardcore huh??? i bought an item from him due to him stating it was his "last one" yes. I like to see beto/rainman pieces out of the hands of ppl with bad intent. Ive messaged Q countless times telling him hes the cancer of this hobby. Did he ship it fast and was it a good transaction? absolutely. I dont want bad feedback sent back to me?? Beto and i have talk frequently about getting patents and stopping his bull****. I have nothing and want NOTHING to do with the recasting bull****. period
And that was my point... the last time it was brought up that stiff-richards was on Q's feedback it was brought up by one of Q's fake accounts. He just wants to stir up a bit more crap whenever he can, that's one of the reasons I question our new member Tom.jones
its incredible the lengths this Q guy or whatever other names he uses goes to. Seriously, he is clearly stealing. His ebay site is flooded with beto sculpts. Id rather go without than support recasting. Im just glad beto has offered some of his sculpts because i can sleep easy knowing ive purchased the sculpts off the origional artist
I'll need to alert some of the sellers here... I believe this member signed up or at least expressed interest in a number of custom items. So, need to make sure he's booted from any lists.
its incredible the lengths this Q guy or whatever other names he uses goes to. Seriously, he is clearly stealing. His ebay site is flooded with beto sculpts. Id rather go without than support recasting. Im just glad beto has offered some of his sculpts because i can sleep easy knowing ive purchased the sculpts off the origional artist

Yes but Q isn't the real problem. He's a bootlegger and bootlegger's do what their PAID to do. The REAL problem is the people who support this by purchasing recasted goods. It's one thing to not be informed properly about it, and another to be knowledgeable about it but secretly go and support buying recasted items, which I'd assume happens more often than we think. So it's kind of hypocritical to point fingers. It stops when people stop buying this stuff.
And a big part of that is ignorance--folks don't know that they are buying fakes--while another part is cost, convenience, and communication and access. To get a Beto sculpt from the source is frankly not easy. Beto sometimes ignores e-mails, sometimes takes a long time to respond, sometimes makes sculpts available, sometimes doesn't, then sometimes takes a very long time to deliver when he does. Trevor Grove had similar issues with his sculpts, which are now available, but at a premium from a seller that isn't always responsive to customer inquiries. And collector X who wants a nice Breaking Bad or Michael Myers custom could either wade through all that, ending up paying $150 or $200, and waiting many months to get their sculpt, or paying $50 for a rough recast on eBay and get it in a week. Many won't be stopped from doing this by a concern over treating the artist fairly.

I'm not criticizing anyone here. Folks who create these things can do what they like in terms of selling them or not selling them. But if you think the real problem is the folks that are buying these sculpts, then I say the solution is trying to find out easier, more affordable, and more predictable methods for folks to get legit sculpts. Otherwise, the Qs of the world will continue to crop up and flourish, and all the complaints in the world won't stop it. Rainman started making his sculpts available, essentially on demand, once or twice a year from the source for a decent cost, and I think that has worked pretty well for him to cut down on those who would try to capitalize on his work. Sure, Q is still selling recast Rainman sculpts, but I think more and more collectors are now going to Rainman because they are made available, and customers know the quality is better, the price is equivalent, and the artist is getting rewarded as he should for what he created.
I agree that making product more accessible and affordable will draw people away from buying recasts, but customers shouldn't use that as an excuse to look the other way. Some pricepoints have to be maintained in order to keep the lights on. Most of the time and money goes into creating the genuine product. Supporting a recaster no matter what that person's intention was, only makes it harder for the custom guys to produce good and affordable work. No one is getting crazy rich making these unlicensed dolls. The best we can do is support the artists efforts either by buying original or not supporting the recasts.
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I agree with everything you say, but at the same time I don't think us saying that is going to dissuade many people from buying from Q, unfortunately.
It's funny as soon as someone mentions bad feedback for Q he pops up with another account trying to shift the attention away from the feedback. What a ****ing scum bag. You're lucky as **** you don't have any negatives yet.
Yep he is a real scumbag , and rip off merchant and a scammer.
He is also best buds with Odell young he buys the originals and then sends them to Q apparently.

Thing is people think his are originals as he was selling the mad bug myers for ages and then mad bug pops up himself selling them cheaper than Q and with free post.
So people must think mad bugs are recast crazy isn't it?
Thing is though a lot of people on eBay and new into the hobby will not even know about recasts and what not as they just see them as heads they can buy and paint.
But like people have said when you could wait months for a response and then pay $200.00 for a sculpt some people can't afford to even do that let a lone want to do it.
Madbug is a great guy! I was furious when I found out his stuff was being recasted because he genuinely does not do this for the money. Just an awesome talent who wanted to offer some help to fans looking for a great myers likeness.
Slightly stupid question if you bought a recast with intention to re sculpt it is that still frowned upon? I ask because me and fellow boardie were talking and the question came up.

The guy was gonna resculpt a head play Liam neilson into darkman with real bandages and send the sculpt off to a caster to be done so we can offer it to fellow members. I suppose because it's a mass produced head people don't care although really it's a resculpt casted and offered.