Who else thought that when he went back to the office at the foot salon and started re-recording his answer phone message, that he was going to become Saul Goodman?
That's what I was thinking. When he decided that the first message just wasn't right, I expected to hear the name change.
Another great episode. So I'm assuming Mike is the reason for Hector being in the wheelchair?
It'll be awesome to see how it plays out. When we're first introduced to Hector in Breaking Bad, he's wheel chair bound, can't speak, and part of his face is paralyzed...all classic symptoms of a stroke. It never even crossed my mind that his condition could have been a result of something else...
Bull sheetthis is taking too long to get to Saul... .
I think I know what's going to happen with Kim at the end.
I am really enjoying the pace of this show. I have faith in Gilligan & Gould. If you think about it, Br Ba was pretty slow burning for the first couple of seasons until you know who arrived on the scene. I am not saying BCS is going to mirror that format, but I have faith in the writers to sow the seed so whatever they have planned is worth the pay-off in the end.
As already mentioned, that long continuous tracking intro was spectacular. Classy writers and directors on board for this as you would expect. It's the little details like the lollipop sticks in the ground that really set shows like this apart.