Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - Clara Oswald

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Yeah I have to agree about her being too tall. Coleman is only 5'2, which should make the figure a little over 10 1/4" but instead it's more like 10 3/4". But with the size of the head I'm not sure you could really shorten her much without throwing off the overall proportions.

I was also kind of surprised by how cheap and papery the dress feels, but you can't really tell by looking at it so I guess it's not a big deal. I do like how soft the hair is though, which allows you to turn the head and still have it fall properly and not stick out like on my Roadworn Thor.

Anyway here's a few pics I took without the coat on, and after taking a bit more time to futz it properly. Whatever small issues there may be, she still looks cute as hell and I think is one of the best DW figures they've released yet. :)

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I was much more thrilled with the War Doctor than I expected, but this is the figure of this 'batch of three' I have been looking forward to most. It's great to see she turned out great, if not one of the best of the bunch! Mine won't arrive til the 30th ... Damn you FedEx!
At least you have a delivery date!!! I looked again and it’s still, yup, processing!!! All paid for 30 seconds after the preorders went live (technically including postage).
I expected this to be in the post by now.
Those pics look great by the way DaveJames.
If the three in this batch, I think I was looking forward most to this release. Mr. Hurt turned out very well in my opinion. It’s always difficult to gauge from pics.
I think 1st Doctor is superb, but I can’t take a decent pic if it at all. Anyways, here’s hoping I have this one next weekend, but I’m now doubtful.
Yeah the bags might be a bit too pronounced, but she did have them. I think repainting her eyes and darkening the eyeliner would probably keep them from jumping out as much.

As gorgeous as Jenna Coleman is, I noticed that increasing under eye-puffiness as the series went on (Doctor Who seems to exhaust people ... just look at Smith and Gillan in their first few episodes and compare them to their last), so for me seeing eye puffiness on the figure was a relief. 'Ah, accuracy!' By the sounds of it both Gillan and Piper demanded changes to their figures to remove accurate details they didn't quite like, so bless Coleman for having the confidence and self esteem to approve a proper sculpt, Doctor Who exhaustion and all. I think even Hurt asked for less wrinkles.

That said, people seem to picture her without the tired eyes, so maybe they would have been better off capturing the 'spirit' of Clara rather than the reality, in that case? But I am glad the sculpt is spot on. I think they said it was based on a 3d scan of her head? Maybe all new Doctor Who actors have to go straight into the booth to be copied for merchandising purposes ...

Also, Clara was a teacher, right? If she didn't look a bit frazzled my suspension of disbelief would be shattered :p The time travel is fine, but a happy and well-rested teacher?
I resent that last remark. I consider myself a happy and well rested teacher... hold that thought, nope, you’re spot on !! Hahaha!!
I had a look at my Character Claras:
This first one is in a cool twin pack, with a top hatted Doctor on the reverse of the package.

... the basic release.

Thanks for putting up the pics - looking forward to getting this in hand myself.
If Jenna didn't demand any changes then full marks to her, it's an outstanding sculpt. They should reuse it (with new hair) for a Victoria figure!
I hesitate, the headsculpt looks really bad and these eyes... It's probably the pictures which doens't honor him ?

I waited this figure so long, I didn't preorder, so I don't know if I have to order the signature edition.
Got mine yesterday and I adore this figure.

Everyone takes photos of the face super close up. That makes the lower eyelids and slight wrinkles there look very exaggerated. In hand the lower eyelids look pretty much like they do on Jenna Coleman. You would only see those wrinkles if you looked up very close in bright light (like, one imagines, with the real Jenna Coleman). They are there for accuracy! This is a figure where the close up pictures of the face almost misrepresent the sculpt, because those details on an otherwise smooth face appear larger-than-life. It looks like a miniature Clara to me!

I'll mention my niggles because if I didn't people wouldn't believe the rest of my gushing. It is possible to have niggles and still love a figure! There are very few figures in my collection that don't make me narrow my eyes at some small aspect.

The eyes, as people have mentioned. If these were spot on this figure would be just stellar. The irises seem like they should be a touch darker. The irises need to be a consistent size. And a bit of darker eyeliner, to match how Clara looked on the show, would do wonders. Someone on a private FB group (which most of us in this convo are probably already a part of) tweaked these elements and it made a big difference. I don't have anywhere near the skill required so I will leave mine as they are.

I have a hint of jagged plastic sticking from the side of one of the snaps in the dress. I can fix this. This is a very minor issue, because the snaps are still barely visible, and the dress pattern tends to hide them even when they are. Big Chief sometimes use velcro and it doesn't quite work, and they sometimes use snaps and they don't quite work, but I honestly have no idea what the alternatives would be. The snaps here don't stick out or add bulk like they sometimes can so on this figure they're fine.

Some people don't like the thinness of the dress material but as long as it doesn't end up tearing on me at some point I'll step in and say I like the paper-thin material BCS have started using since Bond. You need it to get the look right for some of this cloth at scale. Compare Bond's thin and sleek shirt with the Capaldi figure's far too bulky shirt, when the Capaldi doc really needs a thin sleekness for his look. For me, the tailoring and clothing choices on War Doc and Clara prove just how advanced Big Chief are getting in this area. In some ways, for civilian and Victorian (AKA Doctor Who) style clothing, they are pulling ahead of the curve.

But yeah I love the sculpt. I love the tailoring. I love the overall silhouette. The accessories are fun, and if you pre-ordered early enough to get the incentive accessories, they are a nice addition. Companion accessories can be tough but the phone, the leaf, and the little books are all nifty. The confession dials are there.

I have so few figures in normal, everyday clothes, and normal, everyday clothes are so difficult to get right at scale. It's really cool to see a well done figure of a regular person there on my shelves next to my superheroes, Ghostbusters, monsters and time travellers.

It sounds as if this will be the last companion Big Chief ever do, bar Jack (who counts in part as a Torchwood figure, marketing-wise). That's a bit tragic, because there are at least half a dozen classic Who companions I really want (ahem K-9, Brigadier, Ace, Peri, Sarah Jane, Jamie), and plenty I would be easily tempted by (Leela, Ian, Barbara, both Romanas, Zoe, Jo, Nyssa). At least they are ending on a high note with Clara.

In short, I think Big Chief have done really well here.

What is a post without pics (forgive the dust):








Yes indeed, your photo show that the headsculpt is good. It's true that on the other photos, we really felt she had crack smoking !

It's possible to see the photo of the custom with more eyeliner ? I don't think I have the skill too, but I'm curious to see the render !

Thank you for your return, I think I will order him.
I asked on the board and I was given permission to repost the modder's pics. He used a very fine highlighter pen to add black to the upper eyelid, and cheap and commonly available (in the UK) watercolour paints (from the works, if that means anything?) to make the eye darker. Here are his before and after pics. I think he's done a great job, and his tip deserves to be shared:



And for some fun, here you can see how great the sculpt actually is. My camera distorts, of course, and web pictures may be distorted. The angles of the original photos don't exactly match. But even then, this is kind of uncanny! That's no surprise if it was based on a real scan of her, but still. I changed the size of one pic to fit but did not alter the height/width proportions in any way. I also didn't plan this pic. I just grabbed a random Clara pic and overlayed it on a random pic I took earlier in the day. You could make the match even better with some effort.





