Was it in the same kind of envelope?
Opened up James ; seller was right , no nose rub and outfit is great out of the box
Just finished taking a good look at this guy and I think it is a great piece.
Good quality overall with good accessories with everything collector friendly.
Looking forward to open up the other two!
I can confirm that I can see it now. Have you already been a paying member when the change hit us all in July 2017? They have changed their plans now and instead of 400 Dollars a year they want a little less now but everyone has fled to other pages long since. And I discovered that in this forum here we can also upload pictures directly. Should have done so from the beginning, then all my Star Trek pictures wouldn't be gone now and replaced by this ugly Photobucket sign. But I don't want to go back and fix them all.That’s strange.
It was all good until today with the pics.
Checked up: the pic was deleted!!! I’ve put it back in.
Has anyone received anything from BCS ? I’m waiting on Replacements ( Bonds Head and 2 Hands) I received this envelope from them but the paper is so super thin that it came ripped open. I doesnt seem that the head would fit but maybe the hand. I notified customer service. I’ll see what the say View attachment 395605
That's why I think a really good paint app would make the sculpt look amazing, as you say the paint app is pretty poor.
He looks really rough in close ups. The substandard paint work really shows itself, the eyes are awful.
And I also just did a full repaint a couple weeks ago! Been meaning to take time to take pictures of it.
Thanks for giving me some motivation to post him! I don't know if its getting older or just being over it but it's so damn hard to find the motivation to do anything anymore lol. I'm happy i did fidn the motivation to repaint it. I'm happier with it now it's a great sculpt.
I'd like to do it again some day and try and get it even better but I am not anxious to do this again on this sculpt for a very long time.
I also am meaning to get a macro lens so you can better see detail, so apologies for the lack of detail shots