Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

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Sneaky peaky


Dr. No does look great... that sculpt is dead on, even the eyelid appliances...

...OK, but here's a picky little thing: No should have really narrow shoulders. Ironically, Bond once again has the too-narrow shoulders but they fixed it for No, which they shouldn't have. I also wish the sleeves were better fitted.

But at this point I think we're lucky to be getting anything so I'll be buying both.
Dr No looks so awesome, but...

Bond... looks like no improvements on the suit have been made, the hands look like stock 2006 hot toys, and the sculpt and paint are not being flattered in this photo.. really hoping we end up with something better here this looks like we’ve regressed since goldfinger.
This is such an instant buy for me...I’ve been waiting for the doctor no bond for a while now! I wonder how long we have to wait until preorders finally go up....wooohoo!!!!!!

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Hands on Bond very poor- and the suit tailoring still looks bad(and this is a prototype pic- imagine the production version.
I am impressed that BCS got so many little details correct, even the midnight blue color of the tuxedo.

I'm curious to see Dr No's hands... I wonder if we'll get several pairs? Be cool if the "mechanical hands" were articulated, but that would likely look wonky.
The problem will be that the clothing fitting probably will be as bad as the Goldfinger figure. They did quite a nice work in the Sherlock Abominable Bride victorian figures clothing taking in consideration the layers of garments used, hope is the same approach to the next Bond/007 lineup, but will not hold to much expectations until the figures are released and we can see how they look.
The whole delay for LALD -- which continues -- was to switch factories, so hopefully the new clothing will reflect that.

So far I do agree the tailoring looks very similar to Goldfinger. Not sure why this set took nearly 3 years without some form of evolution. By example, ThreeZero Game of Thrones figures have come a long ways in 3 years.
If these are $260 apiece (which they will be) the price alone will stop all casual fans..only the very hardcore will pick these up- question is are there enough of us????
Seems like a lot of people grabbed the Goldfinger figures once they were getting blown out at $150 or less ( I don't even want to think about the $93 sale)... if BCS could get their price point down around $160-$180 (like ThreeZero and Asmus) then perhaps these would fair better in terms of sales and expectation.

That said, it is an ancient license and only us oldies really care to have characters from the 60's on our shelves. Perhaps there's not a large enough base to support a lower cost. Perhaps its only the most die-hard fan who will buy these. And that doesn't bode well for the price.
I'm going to say nice things... First off After the overestimate on the quantity of GF figures, the production issues, the delay on LALD and the terrifying teaser that the line would be reduced to a GoFundMe type situation, BC could have easily thrown in the towel on this line.

So I applaud them in their effort to make it continue and to go back to another sure bet classic line and not really obscure characters like in the LALD wave.

Dr no and Bond's sculpt look really good. As always Greggo's prototype paint looks nice. No's suit is passable, its not amazing... but it's good enough. I'm trying not to let my own subjective high standards take away with what is working.

But the tux on Bond? Its just bad. It really has not improved on where they left off before. I must have stated a thousand times that if they insist on using this new body they developed to at least build in shoulder pads into the suit to fix the proportions and make him look like less of a shlep.

Disappointing to say the least.

Nevertheless I think they deserve credit where it is due.
Not really seeing an issue with the tailoring yet myself. Other than the shape of the tie being off, and of course the shoulders on the body not being broad enough. But at least so far it's looking a lot better to me than that awful, rumpled Goldfinger suit.

The suit on the figure looks skintight and the narrow shoulders on the figure really are noticible with it. The material on the figure looks...well cheap to me

As a Die Hard Bond guy, I will probably once again
get weak at the knees and buy them but as our
Bond expert say ( Ray F) if BC continue to use
the same body to fit the new Connery Bond,
I think we are all going to be back to being

The GF Bond was really a big disappointment
considering some of the DH Bond fans paid
$270 + for the figure at release

As a Die Hard Bond guy, I will probably once again
get weak at the knees and buy them but as our
Bond expert say ( Ray F) if BC continue to use
the same body to fit the new Connery Bond,
I think we are all going to be back to being

The GF Bond was really a big disappointment
considering some of the DH Bond fans paid
$270 + for the figure at release

Yeah my biggest gripe is the price point for what you get- a guy in a suit- and a poorly made one at that. BC will sink this line for sure asking that kind of money for a sub-par figure. If it was 160 I could live with it....

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