Solitaire has great shelf presence, likely mostly due to the dress and the beautifully detailed patterns. Having said that, the velour-type material doesn't scale that well when viewed closeup, unless her dress was actually fuzzy on screen. Especially the border at the bottom of the dress, which is narrower and much fuzzier than it appeared in the prototype?It looks like something from a Santa outfit to be honest. The dress is also shorter than the prototype, and the flaring cuffs are extremely stiff.
The portrait felt a little generic at first, but has been growing on me in the last few hours. The face paint still feels a little flat though compared to the prototype, but what's new. The head feels a tad big too, even when I cover the poofy hair with my hand, but I've noticed that with other Big Chief figures, and it looked a little big in the prototype too.
The body is sized appropriately for 5' 3" Jane Seymour, and it has thigh-swivel joints which is nice, but they are extremely loose. They are constantly swiveling, like an office chair.
The chair cushions are actual soft goods pleather, which was a nice surprise.
Overall I'd say the figure is about on par with my expectations. I'm happy to have her in my collection even if it doesn't blow me away.