He looks great there amongst the manly men! Where have they all gone?
They’ve been replaced by guys like us who buy dolls hahahaa
He looks great there amongst the manly men! Where have they all gone?
They’ve been replaced by guys like us who buy dolls hahahaa
Not wishing to attack this figure or BCS but I have to say WG I'm not seeing the Bond figure you describe in your photos. To me that figure is 80% there but the shoulders, the head size and above all the paint job are sub par from photos at least. The suit is almost there and the head sculpt is definitely 99% successful (can't wait to see the repaints). I think I will still get it when some other retailer puts it on sale. Oddjob looks perfect, Goldfinger looks good.
Or at least until Wor-Gor and Ray can prove us wrong...![]()
In pics he looks like other figure.In real life it's a masterpiece
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Nose rubs kill it for me. I wouldn't even be able to display it.
I'm trieing to find, how I can write to support team from my BC accaunt, but there no options working so far...
Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk
When there is no baby boy- yes )Gido, does your cat sleep in a crib?