If The Rock wants to be taken seriously as an actor, he has to consider things like The Boys or Invincible, but to him, that would be a step down, to do TV.
He has a TV show. Young Rock, or whatever it is. Not surprised no one's heard of it.
If The Rock wants to be taken seriously as an actor, he has to consider things like The Boys or Invincible, but to him, that would be a step down, to do TV.
Yeah, now that you said it I can see it. I refuse to acknowledge him as Namor, at least as of now, but as a new OC "KuKulKan" I like him.You know, upon second glance, Namor kind of looks like Serpentor there.
I mean if there was a live action version of GI Joe RAH on Telemundo, it would totally fit.
You could say that about every comic book related movie and show since Endgame... The problem isn't so much oversaturation I think, but awful choices and the oversaturation of a specific tone. The good thing about capes is that they can be any genre imaginable. Sci-Fi, fantasy, horror, etc. But when everything is the same sloppy CGI over the same pleather, with the same quippy dialogue, what's the point of consuming anything? Them going on for so long means that the pool of actors is thinning, and now they're scraping the bottom of the barrel while trying to cast people like the X-Men and the FF. I was going to go on a rant that'd culminate with me whining about Dreamworks Clown Kang again, but that's better kept for another thread, and you get the point anyhow.I think the situation with Black Adam and Wakanda Forever was both more simple and more complex at the same time. They were movies that lots of people just didn't really want. That might the problem with the era of superhero movies and the inevitable saturation point - We've seen just about all of it before, and there's not too much new road left.
Capeflicks back then captured the zeitgeist. Blade is immediately recognizable as a 90s movie. Raimi-Man the same for the 00s. For better or worse, there was a uniformal aesthetic outside of the real world that was different yet familiar. Now that's gone. It's just "CGI". There's no aesthetic to it. And the more bloated it all becomes, the worse it gets. Movie universes were a chance to streamline things, but they're falling on the same pitfalls as any other "revival" attempt.I remember the first time I saw Blade in the late 90's. I was completely entranced the entire time. Even Stephen Dorff's goofy/crappy/gutless performance didn't ruin it for me. There was nothing like it at the time. Now, we are at a point where Avengers Endgame was the big money shot, and lots of these other films are basically cycling through the motions.
I never cared about WWE and never got the hype for Johnson, so I'm completely indifferent to the whole thing. I was just interested in seeing how BA and Namor's cinematic debuts would fare against each other considering the release dates of their films.If The Rock wants to be taken seriously as an actor, he has to consider things like The Boys or Invincible, but to him, that would be a step down, to do TV. But the real open ground for complex superhero stories will inevitably end up in long form formats like prestige TV series. If you get a relatively unknown character, and mostly middling actor in the lead, there's just not much you can do in 2 and a half hours.
I wonder how long it will take The Rock to figure it out. A lot of people like The Rock, they don't like the the most "marketable persona" he keeps trying to sell to people. He turned his back on all the interesting parts of himself that got him famous in the first place.
So when I get to a superhero movie that probably isn't going to be a really good film, I just fast forward to the action sequences. Black Adam I watched all the way through, but in retrospect, like many other films, I should have just skipped to the fighting. If a movie doesn't grip me in the first 10-15 minutes, I usually fast forward to the spectacle.
biggest F up possible by letting Cavill announce his return then two months later toss him aside.
Got mine!!!Just an FYI that BA is out on 4K disc today for any who wanted to give up some of their finances in order to permanently own a physical copy of this movie.
It’s dumb fun.I have no will to watch this. I’m going to just look up clips online.
Yes, indeed. DC movies are a mess to be sure. The so-called upcoming slate looks like more of the same uninspired half-baked attempts at franchise starting as Black Adam was. I'll just say it now...I don't think Gunn is gonna save this. Cavill was the best shot they had...I think folks were ready to see a Superman movie with Cavill front and center that moved past the dark serious tone he was introduced with in the Snyder movies and one that embraced a more traditional approach towards the character similar to the tone of the Reeve movie. Alas, we'll never know.
WB and whomever made the biggest F up possible by letting Cavill announce his return then two months later toss him aside. BIG mistake but that is what they want- hope Gunn can give us something worthwhile.