The Wal-Mart by me was awesome. Super organized, lots of staff, I was in and out.
Toys r' Us on the other hand... holy crap. I've experienced many black Fridays, but this was the craziest. They were the only store open at 10pm on Thanksgiving, so EVERYBODY was there.
The TRU by me is outside a mall. The parking encompassed the TRU lot, neighboring hotel lots, and a really large chunk of the lot for the mall.
The line to get in (this was about 10 minutes after opening) started at the entrance (which was manned by rent-a-cops and real cops alike), wound around the parking lot, then behind the building, through the alley, back around the building, and then ended back at the entrance. It was about 11ºF outside and there were crazy people who not only brought children, but BABIES AS WELL!!!
Inside was hysteria. It was shoulder to shoulder in
EVERY aisle. That is no exaggeration. If a fire broke out, there would've been hundreds dead. I would have left, except I couldn't.
The line to check out seemingly encompassed the entire store. Wherever you went, people would say they are in line to check out. In EVERY SINGLE AISLE. Again, this is not an exaggeration. If there was any staff directing traffic, they weren't in uniform and they weren't making themselves known.
They say a picture says a thousand words, but these pics don't even begin to tell the tale, imo.