Super Freak
But great score on Black Cat.
Thx Buffy....
But great score on Black Cat.
Just went to the Vancouver Fan Expo today and I could not believe my eyes that one of the dealers was selling the Black Cat LSB EX for $200 tax included. Needless to say, I picked up another one.
So many sad looking once famous actors there. Poor Alan Ruck was so alone in there. Hardly anyone went to his booth. I would had gone up to him but he wanted $30![]()
i saw that black cat and was debating picking up a second b/c the eyeshadow on mine seems oversprayed on to the cornea but ended up passing. Too many things to pay for in the very near future including Batman PF, Ringwraith on Steed and maybe Catwoman LSF
I think they had 5 of the bust there. I've always wanted a 2nd one and the fact it was so cheap made it hard to pass. I was looking at the Darkchyde statue and it actually looks pretty good. As I was contemplating on getting the Hulkbuster EX, somebody bumped it and the helmet fell to the floor and it was chipped![]()
are you sure they had 5? might go back and try to snag one; also do you know if they take visa or is it cash only. Also had my eye on Madame Hydra for only 220 i believe
Must be the eyes...I love this one more. Try to figure out why.
Anyone know what the exclusive was last going for on ebay? Can't find any sold at all (not even a regular edition), and I'm thinking about putting mine up for sale. Moving out of the statue game, and just focusing on a few 1/6 stuff.
I had the regular and sold it on e-bay 2-3 years ago, got $300.
There were two brand new - 0 feedback bidders based in China that bid it up to $800. So watch yourself if you go that route.
Who dug up the dinosaur
I'd say probably 400 or so. For like a regular in good condition. Might have to really try for this one...