From JSC Instagram... looks like plans
Looks like an artist...Sketching
Messin' wid ya...It's late here...need sleep...Need lottery win...Need 'Zilla...JSC has stated that the pose he did for SSC is similar to an artprint he did of BlackCat sitting on a ball of yarn... These look new and similar to the print... just possible not confimed
I hope so but the way David Igo hinted that it *might* not even be Marvel hints to me that it might be the 3 Danger Girl women. Campbell is most famous for his women and Danger Girl is his property so i could see him wanting to push those. If they look as good as these i would buy them but i'm really hoping for some villains. You can only have so many sexy women (statues)
Danger Girl? Don't tease me lol. And yeah, I've got probably 6 girl statues for every one guy already- that's not a bad thing right?
Can't believe there's no new updates on this! Gwen, MJ and Spidey are waiting for her at my house...
1/4 would be nice... But man Danger Girl has a fairly big cast- my wallets freakin out just thinking about it lol
Not sure where to put Black Cat- Spidey is already outnumbered- can't wait for some news!
I want to see how this looks, I will get it regardless, but a simple tease would be good enough for me.
Who's making Danger Girl? Is there a thread in SSF?
No, just some hints that coming JSC statues may not be Marvel... we're just dreaming till something's announced
Hope they'd be in 1/4
Can't believe there's no new updates on this! Gwen, MJ and Spidey are waiting for her at my house...