I sent the pics today. waiting on a response.
You should take a black-light to it too. You never know what kind of bodily fluids could be on your statue.
You know why this happened? It's because Jean is your favorite character. When Black Cat shipped she arrived and her leg was broke off, I was so excited to open her and almost cried when I seen that so I had to get a replacement, it sucked so I feel your pain!
Here I took a pic of her gap which is the biggest in a line of issues:
you can see light coming straight from the other side
That white spot you see is light from her back side because her arm isn't connected to the glove.I dunno if it's the pic or not but it doesn't look that bad.
I couldn't really see it in the first pic but I notice it now in the second one. Kinda weird that there's any kind of gap there at all. It still doesn't look too bad to me but I'm not the one looking at it in person either. Sorry to hear about it Chrono.
That white spot you see is light from her back side because her arm isn't connected to the glove.
It's misaligned.
Hopefully this pic from a different angle shows it better. From the looks of it, it also looks like someone took some random black paint to fix a mistake or something because there's an area of black discoloration visible here too.
It bothers me to no end. I can live with a scratch or whatever, but I consider disconnected-ness (lol) an issue. And yep it's not supposed to be there.
and it's visible under normal lighting, not LEDs...haha.. ::coughBlackcatcough:::
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