1/6 Black Sails

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Super Freak
Nov 2, 2012
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Excellent show, been running for years one of my favorites.
I have saw only one custom figure (Flint), but I am surprised no company has announced a full figure (bootleg or licensed).
Am I missing something?
Characters like Blackbeard, Vane, Silver, Anne would also be fan favorites.
These figures will match well with my HT Jack Sparrow.
I completely agree. I wish a company would pic up the show for a few figures. Vane was my favorite. Anne would be awesome too, love her character design.
Yup, I'd definitely buy at least a Flint. It's a shame it hasn't gotten more recognition to be honest. It's a tremendous show that nobody pays any attention to.
think threezero is perfect for this, post on their FB page or email them i bet they would consider with enough encouragement. do want as well....
Love the show, sad that it is finishing this year.

There are some shows that seem perfect for figures but can't even get bootlegs - Hell on Wheels is another.
Thank you I thought I was alone on this. I would love some of figures from the show. Vane, and Flint, blackbeard would be amazing.
Captain Flint - TV series "Black sails"
Collaborative project by Scaletta and From Russia with Love studios )))
Interest thread is opened, feel free to join the lists.
Sculpt: Vladimir Tolmachev
Painting: Maximus Miniatures
Weapons and accessories: Weapon wizard
Clothing: Scaletta studios

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So, I watched Skeleton Crew recently that led me down a rabbit hole that’s just about to end with S4 of Black Sails.

Of course the first thing I searched for before making past S1 were figures. I didn’t think there would be anything super official, but was pretty surprised no one attempted any kind of headsculpts for these?!

Other than the two characters I despise (Max and Elenor) I’d pretty much want everyone lol. Flint and Vane for sure!
There were custom full figures of both Captain Flint and Captain Vane but they were way over priced for the quality of them in my opinion
So, I watched Skeleton Crew recently that led me down a rabbit hole that’s just about to end with S4 of Black Sails.

Of course the first thing I searched for before making past S1 were figures. I didn’t think there would be anything super official, but was pretty surprised no one attempted any kind of headsculpts for these?!

Other than the two characters I despise (Max and Elenor) I’d pretty much want everyone lol. Flint and Vane for sure!

I see three pathways, potentially

1) Try to get Black Sails ( I loved the show myself) converted into a video game. If it's a wildly popular and immersive video game ( the original actors can come back to do their voices), the odds of figures being made go up dramatically. Still a long shot, but it's a better hope than resting on nostalgia getting to a company so long after the show has finished airing. If Black Sails had a game like Dishonored, with that kind of storytelling, music, visuals and gameplay, you'd increase the fan base for Black Sails exponentially to create the market size you need to justify a figure line.

2) Try to appeal to Todd McFarlane to put it into his Movie Maniacs line. Something like Black Sails is likely more suited, at first glance, for 1/12th. But 1/12th production considers mold/tooling reuse. So it's going to be hard to see one Vane period, much less 3 more variations of him. Again, a long shot. McFarlane has shown, previously, that if he loves an IP, he'll make the figures, even if he knows it's a money loser/bad bet sometimes.

3) Try to appeal to DAM Toys Gangster Kingdom line, and have them build a quasi "homage" figure for the Black Sails concept. They've done soft homage for Pulp Fiction, John Wick, Kill Bill, Machete, Expendables, etc, etc so it's not totally impossible to happen. But that's another stab in the dark.
1) I just took the next best thing to that path, I DLd Assassins Creed IV Black Flag. Pretty sure you wind up in Nassau and Charlestown.

2) gotta say I’m surprised McF is NECA didn’t take a swing at these back when the show came out.

3) that’s what I had expected to find. At least some Indy company with a “generic” pirate that had Flint or Vanes head sculpt.

I did find some amazing 1/10 busts, but they were only available on Europe and when I inquired about them no one ever got back to me.
This will have to do and damn they’ll do just fine! The detail on these is crazy!


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